本文选题:危化品 + 企业社会责任 ; 参考:《湖南工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In modern society, dangerous chemicals have permeated all aspects of our life and brought great convenience to people. However, in the face of the great threat to the safety of human life, property and environment caused by the frequent accidents of dangerous chemicals, it is urgent to arouse the whole crisis consciousness of the main actors and to adjust and optimize the ethics of the original behavior. This makes the problem of corporate social responsibility of dangerous chemicals become an important practical issue worth studying at present. On the basis of combing and summing up the domestic and foreign literature, this paper firstly defines the concept, content and characteristics of the social responsibility of dangerous chemicals enterprises, and clarifies that the social responsibility of dangerous chemicals enterprises is different from that of general enterprises. It comes from the ethical problem caused by the high risk nature of the product itself and requires the enterprise to adopt the corresponding moral solution. Then, the paper analyzes the prominent performance and the reasons of the lack of social responsibility in the aspects of people's livelihood, environmental protection, public property safety and so on. Then, in order to find the ethical solution to the above problems, the author demonstrates the synergy between the behavior of moral person who bears social responsibility and the behavior of economic man who pursues economic benefits, based on the theory of moral capital. It also analyzes the internal and external pressure of dangerous chemicals enterprises to fulfill their social responsibility and the ethical motivation to promote corporate performance. In addition, using stakeholder theory and social contract theory, the paper further expounds some ethical principles which should be followed by dangerous chemicals enterprises in our country to fulfill their social responsibility, especially the social commonweal supremacy and prudent development. Personal ethical principles such as the relevance of drifting responsibility. Finally, the paper puts forward the ethical measures to promote dangerous chemicals enterprises to fulfill their social responsibility from four aspects: government, enterprise, social intermediary and employee. It mainly includes: perfecting the fair laws and standards, strengthening the law enforcement supervision on the ethical responsibility of the dangerous chemicals enterprises, giving play to the role of the intermediary organization, constructing the disclosure, evaluation and examination mechanism of the social responsibility of the dangerous chemicals enterprises; To strengthen the moral capital view of enterprise leaders, to establish the order of responsibility management and ethical culture of dangerous chemicals enterprises, and to promote the consciousness of "expensive students", safety consciousness and moral accomplishment of employees and consumers of dangerous chemicals enterprises, etc. Obviously, the research results of this paper have important reference significance for guiding the dangerous chemicals enterprises in our country to adopt the ethical behavior of fulfilling social responsibility and the formulation of national supporting policies.
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