
发布时间:2018-05-12 15:35

  本文选题:动词隐含因果性 + 代词解决 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Pronoun resolution means that when the reader reads the pronoun, he will use the information of context to find an antecedent for the pronoun, so as to complete the identification of the pronoun. In this process, there are two factors that affect pronoun resolution, one is syntactic factor, the other is semantic factor, that is, verb implied causality. Implicit causality is an attribute of some verbs representing interpersonal relations, that is, the verb implies the behavior or attitude of the action object, which plays an important role in pronoun resolution. Implicit causality of verbs has always been the focus of sentence research on the temporal process of pronouns. Based on the previous researches, there are two theoretical viewpoints: focus hypothesis and integration hypothesis. Different researchers use different languages as the research materials, and their results support different theoretical hypotheses. The research on Chinese as the main experimental material is not sufficient. Therefore, this study is based on the previous studies. Continue to explore the effect of verb implicit causality on pronoun resolution and whether this effect supports the focus hypothesis or the integration hypothesis. This study is divided into two experiments. The purpose of experiment one is to explore the effect of verb implicit causality on pronoun resolution and the time period in which the effect appears. In the first experiment, 30 postgraduates were randomly selected to participate in 2 (verb tendency: subject-type verb / object type verb) 脳 2 (sentence type: consistency / inconsistency). The results showed that the reaction time and reading time of consistent sentences were significantly faster than that of inconsistent sentences, while in the first half of the sentence, there was no significant difference between the consistent sentences and the inconsistent sentences, while the subjects were reading the second half of the sentence. The time of reading coherent sentences is significantly faster than that of reading inconsistent sentences. The purpose of experiment two is to explore the time process of the effect of verb implicit causality on pronoun resolution, whether to support the focus hypothesis or to support the integration hypothesis. In experiment 2, using eye movement recording technique, 30 graduate students were randomly selected to participate in the interviewee design of 2 (verb tendency: subject verb / object verb) 脳 2 (sentence type: consistency / inconsistency), and the subjects were asked to read the key sentences. The key sentences were divided into 3 regions of interest, and behavioral data and eye movement indexes were collected. The results show that the results of behavioral data are the same as those of experiment 1, and there are no significant differences in the main effects of verb tendency between verbs and pronouns. In pronouns, the total fixation time of sentences with object type verbs is significantly faster than that of sentences with subject-type verbs, and the sweeping time of consistent sentences is significantly faster than that of inconsistent sentences. At the end of the sentence, the total fixation time of the consistent sentence is faster than that of the inconsistent sentence. It is concluded that the implicit causality of the verb does have an effect on the resolution of pronouns, which is reflected in the fact that the subjects' reading time of the consistent sentence is faster than that of the inconsistent sentence, that is, the consistency effect. This consistency effect occurs in the second half of the sentence, including "because") relative to the subject-type verb, The effect of implicit causality on pronoun resolution is not immediate, but a process of delaying processing. The information of integrating two clauses at the end of sentence is effective, and the result supports the hypothesis of integration.


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