
发布时间:2018-05-15 13:03

  本文选题:短期访疆 + 新疆书写 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the 50-80 's of the 20th century, Xinjiang often had some short-term visitors who, based on their interest and curiosity over the great changes in Xinjiang since liberation, the unique regional landscape, and the special ethnic customs, created a lot of works on Xinjiang subjects. However, less attention is paid to it in the literary world. Based on the integrity of Xinjiang literature, the works of these short-term visitors who improvise or want to express their views should also be an important part of Xinjiang literature. In order to better understand the development of these works, this paper attempts to make a systematic analysis and research on the short-term visitors and their literary works in the late 1950s and 1980s. The first part of the paper mainly analyzes the writing of Xinjiang by short-term mainland visitors in the 50-60's. His works mainly focus on the poetry of proletarian leaders and volunteer support for frontier construction fighters, and journalists' newsletters depicting great changes before and after the liberation of Xinjiang and extolling advanced figures in reclaiming and garrisoning the frontier. The main tone is "carol style" and landscape writing. In addition, some scientific research groups have written a small number of travel notes on the archaeological investigation of Xinjiang's geographical environment, cultural landscape and historical sites. The second part mainly analyzes the Xinjiang writing of the short-term visitors in the mainland in the 1980 s. His works mainly focus on the prose of famous writers who sincerely praise Xinjiang's natural scenery and humanistic landscape and the journalists' correspondence of the construction of frontier areas and the real record of exemplary deeds since the reform and opening up. The writers' subjective consciousness and aesthetic consciousness are displayed. Another prominent phenomenon is that under the background of state support for the western region, cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, and the gradual opening up of Xinjiang, some cultural media personnel have even organized their own visits to the Silk Road by participating in various filming groups and even organizing their own visits to the Silk Road. The third part mainly analyzes the Xinjiang writing of overseas visitors from 50 to 80 years. His works mainly focus on the travel sketches of Hong Kong and Taiwan writers who are interested in the folk customs of Xinjiang and the famous cultural sites of the Silk Road, and the cultural prose of Japanese writers who trace back to the historical geography and cultural relics of the Silk Road. It presents a unique image of Xinjiang in the eyes of the other. In addition, some European writers visited Xinjiang parallel characters at this time because of their special historical opportunities, such as the famous Soviet director Sgnes Igirov in 1957 and Yarin, a linguist who visited Xinjiang again in 1979. In general, the political situation, economic construction, foreign policy, and cultural atmosphere in contemporary China dominate the basic themes, interest orientation, genre, style and tendency of Xinjiang's short-term visitors in the 1950s and 1980s. Therefore, these works show the unity of Xinjiang and the national will and the identity of the mainstreams in the interior. Due to the different professional requirements, social mission, cultural identity, educational level, regional background and so on, different visitors have their own unique writing focus and theme in different historical stages. In particular, Xinjiang, with its unique geographical advantages as the main thread of the Silk Road and the cultural hub of Central Asia, greatly presupposes the psychological expectations and cultural consciousness of overseas writers travelling to and visiting Xinjiang. Driven by the fresh curiosity of silk road culture and the recognition of seeking roots, they further enrich and expand the Xinjiang imagination in the eyes of "the other".


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