本文选题:互联网 + 交替传译 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the popularity of the Internet, all aspects of life are connected to the Internet. The network changes people's way of life and communication, and brings great changes to various industries such as shopping, catering and so on. Globally, although China and the United States are the leading countries in the era of network economy, there is a huge difference between the two countries in the Internet industry. The degree of industrialization, information and urbanization of the United States is ahead of that of China. Today's college students in China have a stronger interest in the Internet and are eager to learn more about the Internet in the United States, so the author conducted the interview. This paper is based on an interview called "the Internet has brought about a change in our daily lives." The interview was conducted with a foreign teacher at the Foreign language School of Jilin University. The audience is interested in this topic, the author of the interview interpreter. The purpose of the interview is to let students understand the similarities and differences between Chinese and American Internet applications and to ask questions of interest to them. The thesis is divided into three chapters: the first chapter introduces the background and requirements of the consecutive interpretation practice in detail; the second chapter mainly introduces the pre-translation preparation and translation process; the third chapter, According to the results of consecutive interpretation, the author reflects and analyzes the problems in the process of practice and puts forward corresponding solutions. According to the situation of on-site translation, the author finds three main problems affecting the quality of this translation: improper pause, wrong translation and missing translation. The author puts forward specific solutions to these problems: enhancing the ability of information processing, multi-task processing, improving the bilingual level, improving the ability of instantaneous memory and enhancing the proficiency of notes. This practice not only detects the author's level of consecutive interpretation, but also deepens the author's understanding of the similarities and differences between consecutive interpretation and the development of the Internet in China and the United States. The problems encountered in this practice are all encountered in the field of real consecutive interpretation, hoping to enlighten and help other translators.
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