分类号 U D C 密 级 公 开 硕士研究生学位论文
培养单位: 应用外语学院
学科专业: 翻译硕士(英语笔译)
研究方向: 非文学翻译
完成日期: 2014年 月 日
The Computer-Aided Translation which is based on the parallel corpora could improve the efficiency and quality of translation. It also plays an positive role in the translation education. However, For a variety of reasons, the CAT software in the teaching of translation has not been valued by the domestic colleges and universities .This paper introduces the features and working principle of the common CAT softwares in order to show the importance of the software in translation education. Through building a comparative model and applying it to the translation education, we can find out the merits and demerits. The results could help us optimize application of computer-aided translation software in translation teaching. It could also improve the efficient, systematic and scientific of the CAT softwares based on the parallel corpus.
Keywords: parallel corpora; Computer-Aided Translation software; Translation education;CAT
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章 绪论 1
第一节 研究背景 1
第二节 研究目的 2
第三节 研究意义 2
第四节 研究框架 2
第二章 文献综述 4
第一节 以国内外四种常见CAT软件为例介绍基于语料库的机辅翻译软件的特点 4
一 国内外四种常见CAT软件的简介 4
二 CAT软件的特点及原理 8
三 比较四种CAT软件的优缺点 11
四 比较结果和讨论