1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
Foreign language learning motivation can help us to understand the psychology of foreign language learning process, social factors and individual difference, the more important significance is to explore ways to stimulate students’ foreign language learning motivation and strategy. From the current study good researchers seem to be more interested in the classification of foreign language learning motivation, describe and establish a theoretical model. But there is still a lack of exploration at its pedagogical level. We should not only guide language teachers to motivate students learning enthusiasm by virtue of the theoretical assumptions,but we language teachers should also explore means and strategies to improve students’ motivation of learning. It is worth noting that in the field of foreign language learning motivation some researchers find another way to explore foreign language students who lose motivation and seek targeted measures to improve students’ language learning motivation. Students are most in need of recognition for their achievements, as well as rewards and encouragement during learning processes. In other words, students’ foreign language learning motivation is the most direct source of the attitude, with which their foreign language teachers treat them. Since the 1970s, the study of learning strategies has been aroused academic concerns. Many scholars have recognized that it is of great significance to carry out a study of the foreign language learning strategies. There are a variety of factors affecting the academic performance of students, such as student motivation, learning strategy, learning foundation, teachers, learning environmental conditions, social and collective impact. Among these factors, learning motivation is one of the important factors.
1.2 Significance of the research
Motivation is the direct driving force of English learning and internal motivation, including how much students focus their attention on the learning, as in the process of learning, students almost unanimously face the problem of maintaining high motivation, especially when they face problems, irrelevant things and difficult materials. In order to keep their  本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写,英语论文代写,代写论文,代写英语论文,代写留学生论文,代写英文论文,留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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;power of learning more enthusiastic, they must use certain SRSs to regulate language learning processes. The previous researches in this field were limited to the monitor and control of the cognitive strategies. There is no doubt that the cognitive strategies, such as retelling, refining, organizing, are extremely important to learning. Although motivational regulation is a very vital aspect of self-regulated learning (SRL) and has been considered to affect greatly the academic achievements, there are still relatively fewer researches on it. Furthermore, previous researches on the relationship between motivation and SRL are almost rectilinear; that is to say, they think different motivation constructions will have certain influences on learners’ usage of metacognitive and cognitive strategies, but there is still little study on what kind of SRSs learners would use to regulate their motivation. Finally, previous studies on motivational self-regulation (MSR) have been implemented on different subjects, such as American college students (Wolters, college 224‐35), students in college of Taiwan region (Cheng Binlin, relation 79-102), Chinese college students (Li Kun, 2009: 305-13), and so on. But we seldom carry out the study on the field of Chinese students’ foreign language learning. The knowledge about whether and how the Chinese vocational college students use the strategies to regulate their motivation of foreign language learning is very scarce.
2. Literature review
The present study of motivational regulation is anchored in the framework of self-regulation learning, this chapter, therefore, first provides the definition and the theories of self-regulation learning. It then gives an emphasis on the related researches on motivational regulations research, which is followed by reviewing the related relations between motivational regulation and other components of self-regulation learning.
2.1 Definition and theories of self-regulation learning and motivational regulation
Self-regulation learning (SRL) theory, which emerged in the mid-1980s, attempts to respond to the questions about how individuals direct their own learning processes. Self-regulation learning has become a current focus for researches in the educational psychology and has attracted researchers from diverse theoretical traditions. A Great deal of researches about SR本论文由英语论文网提供整理,,提供论文代写,英语论文代写,代写论文,代写英语论文,代写留学生论文,代写英文论文,留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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L has been conducted to identify processes intervention in the self-regulation learning, and to establish relations and interactions between these processes and academic performance (e.g., Boekaerts & Niemivirta, 2000; Pintrich, 2000; Zimmerman, 2000a). Although the importance of self-regulation learning has been established, there has still been no consensus on the definition of self-regulation learning. According to Zimmerman (1986), self-regulation learning is the extent to which the learner is active in taking part in his or her process of language learning in terms of cognition, motivation and behavior. Zimmerman (1986) further explains that metacognitively self-regulated learners can plan, organize, self-instruct, self-monitor and self-evaluate at various stages in their learning process. Motivational self-regulated learners perceive themselves as competent self-efficacious and autonomous learners. Behavioral self-regulated learners select and establish positive working environments that optimize their learning. Zimmerman and Schunk (1989) define self-regulation learning as students’ self-generated thoughts, feelings and actions oriented towards achievements of their goals.
2.2 Previous studies on motivational regulation strategies
C.A Wolters, an American professor at Houston University, is the pioneer of conducting the original systematic study of motivational regulation strategy. After investigations and studies on college students on the base of social cognitive theory, he earliest proposed the term motivational regulation strategies. Motivation regulation strategy refers to the approach used by the individual in action to purposefully and actively affect their motivation. It ultimately influences the students’ ways of processing information, constructing the information or their willingness to continue to work, but does not necessarily means how the student completes the activity. Different Chinese scholars have the following different views on the specific definition of motivational regulation strategy. The motivational regulation strategy was defined by Qu Ran (2005) as a presentation of actively monitoring, controlling and regulating of a student’s own motivation level during the process of learning. Lai Meixuan (2006) regarded it as the methods or strategies used by learners to improve the individual value, expectation and emot本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写,英语论文代写,代写论文,代写英语论文,代写留学生论文,代写英文论文,留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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ion in their learning motivations when they are faced with the various motivation problems or situations that interfere negatively their motivation. Chen Hongfang (2007) defined it as a skill used by students in the learning process to maintain their persistence or to enhance more effort.
3. Methodology .......... 17
3.1 Research questions ............ 17
3.2 Subjects ......... 17
3.3 Instruments .... 19
3.3.1 Questionnaire .......... 19
3.3.2 English proficiency test ..... 21
3.3.3 Interview ........ 21
3.4 Procedures of data collection and data processing .... 22
4. Results and Discussion ..... 24
4.1 Overall pattern of use of motivational regulation strategies ......... 24
4.2 Differences in using MRSs in terms of English proficiency ......... 26
4.3Motivational problems encountered by high and low achievers .... 30
4.3.1 Low achievers ......... 30
4.3.2 High achievers ......... 31
4.4 Different MRSs used by high and low achievers ...... 32
5. Conclusions ............ 41
5.1 Major findings ......... 41
5.2 Implication .... 42
5.3 Limitation of the research and suggestion for future researches ............. 42
4. Results and Discussion
This chapter addresses the research questions on the overall pattern in using these strategies and the differences in using these strategies in terms of students’ English proficiency. The interview is to further explore the major motivational problems encountered by high and low English achievers and find out whether and how high achievers differ from low achievers in motivational regulations.
4.1 Overall pattern of use of motivational regulation strategies
Motivational regulation has been regarded as one of the important aspects in SRL. The researchers at home and aboard have conducted a variety of studies on motivational regulation strategies and have been aware of the importance of motivational regulation strategies in the self-regulation learning. The Chinese scholars have done a lot of researches on the types and the general situation of motivational regulation strategies used by Chinese college students and high school students. Previous researches showed that Chinese college students used a variety of strategies to regulate their motivations. Some strategies were employed more frequently than others, while certain strategies were used relatively less. Wolters (1999) distinguished five motivational regulation strategies by using exploratory factor analysis, including 本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写,英语论文代写,代写论文,代写英语论文,代写留学生论文,代写英文论文,留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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interest enhancement, mastery self-talk, performance self-talk, environment regulation and negative-based incentive and found the differences of the use frequency of these strategies. This study used descriptive statistics in this section so as to further explore the overall situation in using motivational regulation strategies among the Chinese medical vocational students and what strategies they used more frequently than other strategies.
This chapter provides a summary of this study. It begins with a summary of the major findings of the study, and then discusses the implications of these results. Finally it analyzes the limitations of the present research and provides the pointed suggestions for future research.The motivational regulation is of great importance for second language learning. Motivation is a critical determinant for second language learning and a lack of motivation is a frequent problem experienced by second language learners. Motivational regulation has been regarded as an important aspect of SRL and is thought to have an impact on academic learning. However, the relevant literature indicates that motivational regulation is still a less investigated aspect of SRL and the empirical studies concerning motivational regulation strategies used by Chinese vocational college students are still limited. Therefore, the present study is designed to explore the motivational regulation in the framework of self-regulated learning among Chinese English learners. Broadly, the study attempts to explore whether and how Chinese vocational college students regulate their motivation in English learning and the differences between high and low achievers in using motivational regulation strategies.
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