[Abstract]:The traditional study of metaphor dates back to Aristotle, who defined metaphor as a rhetorical device. With the deepening of the study of metaphor, George Lakoff, an American cognitive metaphorist, and Mark Johnson, an English philosopher, published metaphor for our Survival in 1980, which marks the beginning of the study of metaphor from a cognitive perspective. Lakoff and Johnson construct the framework of Conceptual metaphor Theory (conceptual metaphor theory) for the first time, which provides another way to understand metaphor through the interpretation of mapping between source domain and target domain. Since then, researches on conceptual metaphors have sprung up, but the study of sports texts from the cognitive perspective is not enough. Based on Lakoff's and Johnson's Conceptual metaphor Theory, this paper classifies conceptual metaphors in sports news and analyzes their cognitive processes. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the conceptual metaphors in English sports news and to analyze their cognitive processes in sports news. It is found that conceptual metaphors are common in English sports news. There are 15 conceptual metaphors, including war metaphor, journey metaphor, performance metaphor, plant metaphor, human body metaphor, animal metaphor, architectural metaphor, container metaphor, money metaphor, business metaphor, disease metaphor, automobile metaphor. Natural metaphors food metaphors and upper and lower metaphors are classified into nine structural metaphors five substantive metaphors and one orientation metaphor according to the classification of Lakoff and Johansson. It is found that there are significant differences in the frequency of these metaphors in the news. For example, war metaphors appear most frequently, accounting for about half of them, followed by travel metaphors. Through the cognitive study of these conceptual metaphors, this paper analyzes the mapping process from the source domain to the target domain, so that people can better understand sports news from the perspective of cognition and deepen their understanding of the mapping process of metaphor.
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