[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization and international trade, the communication between countries in the world is becoming closer and closer, and the tide of international migration has reached a new height. Long-term demographic, economic and political trends will continue to shape global migration. "the World in adaptation: global Migration Trends and policies" helps to study global migration trends and policies, "adaptation to the World in the Movement: global Migration Trends and Migration policies" is an argumentative style with many long sentences and various sentence patterns. The whole book belongs to informational text. The translation of this book is based on Catalina Rice's text typology theory of German functional school. It focuses on conveying objective facts and is logical in language. Literal translation is adopted to convey the original text information accurately and succinctly. This translation practice report includes four parts: translation task description, translation process description, translation case analysis and translation practice summary. The first part of the translation task description covers the source of the translation material, the author's introduction and the introduction of the works, etc. The second part of the translation process includes three aspects: pre-translation preparation, translation revision, post-translation review, refinement and finalization. The third part of the translation case analysis is the core part of this practical report. The author mainly selects the case from the lexical, syntactic and textual levels, and analyzes the difficulties and skills in translation. In the fourth part, the author rethinks and summarizes the translation practice.
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