[Abstract]:For the human spirit, there are two ways of expression, scientific spirit and humanistic spirit. For a long time, man has made a deep exploration of the natural world. In order to cater for the development of nature, these two value systems are produced, which complement each other and bring spiritual guidance to the rapid development of social economy. Therefore, from the perspective of Marxism, it is of profound significance to study the relationship between the scientific spirit and the humanistic spirit. Not only can we find ways and channels to separate the humanities from the scientific spirit from the relevant theoretical knowledge of Marxism, And based on the reality of social development, we can guide the problems in the process of social development from a new perspective. For the spirit of science, it is committed to pursue, master and understand the law of development of the existence of the objective world, following the principle of reality; The purpose of humanistic spirit is to meet the needs of individual and society for humanistic care, in fact, to pursue truth, good and beauty. The relationship between the existence of science and humanistic spirit is not confrontation and separation, the two are inseparable, complementary and complementary. Marxist theory is like the hub of communication between the two to ensure the dialectical unity and harmonious development of the two. From the viewpoint of Marxist materialism, the social historical movement is actually based on individual practice. On the one hand, it satisfies the law of development, on the other hand, it satisfies the movement of purpose. The purpose of individual social practice needs to be made clear on the basis of regularity. In fact, humanistic spirit should be based on the premise of scientific spirit. In addition, the inevitability of social development is closely related to the value orientation of social groups. From this level, humanistic spirit is an essential element of social activities. Therefore, science is the product of wisdom produced by social groups through social practice, which aims to promote the overall development of human beings. Science carries a strong humanistic value, but also shows concern for the individual. After understanding the characteristics of science, we can really understand the relationship between the spirit of science and the spirit of humanism, and achieve the harmonious and unified development of the two. Nowadays, China is in an important stage of rapid social development. The fifth meeting of the 18th CPC Central Committee held in our country put forward the five development concepts of "innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing", and what kind of development was involved in the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The question of how to develop "has been answered." After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the premise of the fact of China's development, the state once again put forward the concept of innovative development. It is convenient for us to study and understand this theory by mastering the context of the dialectical and unified relationship between the humanistic spirit and the scientific spirit included in Marxism. The dialectical and unified development path between the spirit of science and the spirit of humanism is explored, which reflects the inevitable demand of social development. In addition, the concept can also guide the construction of a well-off society and guide the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new historical development period. Therefore, in the context of the increasingly close relationship between the scientific spirit and the humanistic spirit, how to better combine the two is an issue that we must consider, which is stable for China. Rapid development has theoretical and practical value.
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