[Abstract]:In line with the original intention of looking for why (why), Chen Qian, a Chinese writer in the United States, conducted rational thinking on the relationship between men and women and female consciousness in marriage and love with clear logical thinking and delicate strokes, and launched an exploratory pursuit of spiritual life. This paper probes into the psychology of characters with historical memory of the Cultural Revolution. In these novels, there is a sense of desolation towards the light, that is, the novel has a sense of desolation, which is toward the light and contains a light of hope. This thesis begins with the search for the main purpose of why, and then analyzes and discusses the concrete embodiment and cause of formation of the desolate consciousness toward the light presented in the novel. Finally, it discusses the cultural significance and value of Chen Qian's novels with the sense of desolation towards light. The introduction includes three parts: the source of the subject, the summary of the research and the purpose and significance of the research. The text is divided into four chapters: the first chapter is to find the main purpose of why. The first section explains that searching for why is the author's original intention, the second part is the content of the search, which starts from three aspects: the exploration of emotional world, the pursuit of spiritual life, the history of the Cultural Revolution and the search for human nature. The third section looks for the narrative way, the novel character's own exploration, also has the author's own narrative way. The second chapter is the concrete embodiment of Chen Qian's seeking novel which contains the sense of desolation toward light, which is divided into three sections. Section one or two combines the content to expound, that is to explore the desolation in the growth of women and the dust and flash of human nature in tracing back to the history, the third section discusses from the combination of the externalization of the desolate environment and the detailed description of the psychological activities. The third chapter is the analysis of the causes of Chen Qian's finding novel, which contains the sense of sadness toward light, from the life experience, the special historical period in the novel, The tragic spirit in Chinese traditional culture and the influence of salvation consciousness in western culture are analyzed and discussed in three aspects. The fourth chapter is the cultural significance and value of Chen Qian's novels which contain the sense of desolation towards light. This chapter analyzes the author's exploration of female consciousness, the concern and reflection of history and humanity, and the exploration of the truth of human life. The conclusion part summarizes the main body content and points out the significance and value of Chen Qian's novel creation.
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