本文关键词:培肥措施对新整理黄壤烟田土壤熟化的影响 出处:《西南大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 新整理烟田 生物有机肥 微生物 土壤调理剂 土壤肥力综合评价
【摘要】:重庆是我国烟叶的主要产区之一,烟叶种植面积常年维持在40000~46667公顷,种植规模和产量占全国第六位,属于典型的山地农业生态区。为推动烟田的现代化建设,提高机械化程度,结合植烟区田地破碎度大、耕地坡度较大且较为分散等特点,进行基本烟田土地整理势在必行。但在烟田整理过程中,由于大型机械的作业导致土层扰乱,存在烟田土壤肥力下降、烟叶产量和品质降低等问题。因此通过研究不同培肥措施对烟田土壤熟化和烟草品质的影响,进而筛选出最佳培肥模式,同时对新整理烟田土壤肥力进行综合评价的研究,为烟草产业的健康可持续发展提供依据。本试验以重庆市主要植烟区县新整理烟田为对象,大田试验与室内试验相结合,研究了生物有机肥对新整烟田土壤微生物生态特性的影响;生物有机肥对黄壤烟田真菌群落结构和烟叶产质量的影响;有机肥-膨润土-腐殖酸复合调理剂对黄壤土吸附氮素的影响;新整理烟田土壤肥力综合评价,主要结果如下:(1)不同培肥模式(常规处理、生物有机肥375 kg/hm2、生物有机肥750kg/hm2、生物有机肥1500 kg/hm2)对烟草的经济效益、烟叶品质、土壤微生物数量及活性的影响各有不同。相对于常规处理,连续三年施用生物有机肥的处理,均价、总产值和中上等烟叶的比例都有一定程度的提高,以生物有机肥750 kg/hm2处理的均价、中上等烟比例和总产值最高;相对于常规处理,生物有机肥750kg/hm2和1500 kg/hm2处理的土壤微生物数量、土壤微生物碳氮、土壤微生物呼吸强度及微生物熵均有一定程度的提高,结合烤烟生产,生物有机肥750 kg/hm2的处理为最佳选择。(2)黄壤烟田连续三年定点施用生物有机肥后,可以改善黄壤烟田土壤真菌群落结构,烟田真菌群落多样性提高。施用生物有机肥处理较传统处理,可使土壤优势真菌群中有益的子囊菌门粪壳菌目(Sordariales_unclassified)和肉座菌目(Hypocreales)相对丰度增加,具有致病性的赤霉属(Gibberrella)的相对丰度降低,而其他菌属相对丰度变化不大。生物有机肥配合火土灰和磷肥施用降低了烟草发病率,增加烟草的产量和中上等烟叶的比例。黄壤烟田施肥推荐基施生物有机肥675 kg/hm2配合移栽穴施营养土1500 kg/hm2(由火土灰1372.5、生物有机肥75、复合肥15和磷肥37.5均匀混合而成)的施肥方式。(3)有机肥-膨润土-腐殖酸混合而成的土壤调理剂有利于增强黄壤烟田对氮素的吸附,土壤调理剂对土壤NH4+-N吸附的影响随着培养时间的延长表现出逐渐增加的趋势,并在培养60 d时氮素吸附量达到最高值。各处理NH4+-N的等温吸附曲线可以用Langmuir方程进行很好地拟合。随着土壤调理剂用量的增加,土壤NH4+-N最大吸附量Qmax也逐渐提高。土壤调理剂中腐殖酸添加比例能调节黄壤对NH4+-N的吸持能力,调理剂中腐殖酸添加量为20%,显著增加了黄壤对NH4+-N的吸附的容量和强度指标。在烤烟生产上可选择有机肥-膨润土-腐殖酸三者配比为6:2:2的土壤调理剂,根据各地烟田土壤肥力状况确定施用量。(4)对模糊综合评价法进行一定程度上的改进,利用模糊数学法确定评价指标的隶属度,用偏相关系数法求其权重,对重庆新整理烟田改良前后的土壤肥力质量进行了综合评价。选择11项指标作为评价指标,具体包括:水稳性团粒结构、pH、阳离子交换量、有机质、全氮、全磷、缓效钾、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾、水溶性氯。各个评价指标对土壤养分的贡献程度不同,其中对土壤综合养分贡献程度最大的是有机质,权重系数为0.1657,而贡献程度最小的则是全钾,权重值仅为0.0244。新整理烟田改良后,养分肥力等级(IFI)为极高的占总体的5.21%,养分肥力等级高的占46.96%,养分等级中等的为41.43%,养分等级低和极低的仅占6.4%。重庆新整理烟田改良前后土壤肥力关键指标变化较大,总体上,改良后的烟田土壤肥力有显著提高。其中,土壤大量元素速效养分、全量养分、阳离子交换量和微生物区系数量都有较大提高。改良效果较为明显。
[Abstract]:Chongqing is one of the main producing areas of China tobacco, tobacco planting area perennial maintained at 40000~46667 hectares, planting scale and yield accounted for sixth, is a typical mountainous agricultural ecological zones. In order to promote tobacco modernization, improve the degree of mechanization of planting area land fragmentation, and the characteristics of cultivated land slope more dispersed, for basic tobacco field land consolidation is imperative. But in the process of tobacco finishing, due to the large machinery operation leads to soil disturbance, there is a decline in soil fertility, yield and quality of tobacco reduction. So through the study of the effect of Fertilization on soil ripening and the quality of tobacco, and screening the optimum fertilization model, research and comprehensive evaluation of soil fertility in tobacco fields of new order, provide the basis for the tobacco industry's healthy and sustainable development. In this experiment, the main city of Chongqing The new County tobacco tobacco finishing as the object, field tests and laboratory tests combined study of bio organic fertilizer on the whole new soil microbial ecological characteristics; bio organic fertilizer on tobacco field soil fungal community structure and yield and quality of tobacco leaf; effect of humic organic fertilizer - bentonite acid composite conditioner the yellow soil nitrogen adsorption; new consolidation soil fertility comprehensive evaluation, the main results are as follows: (1) different fertilization patterns (conventional treatment, bio organic fertilizer 375 kg/hm2, 750kg/hm2 biological organic fertilizer, biological organic fertilizer 1500 kg/hm2) on the economic benefits of tobacco, tobacco quality, soil microorganism quantity and activity are different. Compared with the conventional treatment, for three consecutive years of biological organic fertilizer processing, price, output and quality of tobacco were improved to a certain degree, the bio organic fertilizer of 750 kg/hm2 in average, The highest total output value and proportion of superior tobacco; compared with the conventional treatment, biological organic fertilizer 750kg/hm2 and 1500 kg/hm2 the quantity of soil microorganisms, soil microbial carbon and nitrogen, soil microbial respiration and microbial quotient were improved to a certain extent, combined with the flue-cured tobacco production, biological organic fertilizer 750 kg/hm2 is the best choice. (2) in tobacco field soil three consecutive years of fixed bio organic fertilizer, can improve the soil of tobacco field soil fungal community structure in tobacco fields, fungal community diversity increased. Application of bio organic fertilizers, soil fungi can make the advantage group beneficial Ascomycota sordariales (Sordariales_unclassified) and hypocreales (Hypocreales) increase in relative abundance with the pathogenicity of Gibberella (Gibberrella) relative abundance decreased, while the other is not to change. The abundance of bacteria animal bio organic fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer with Tu Hui Application decreased the incidence of tobacco, increase the yield and quality of tobacco leaves. The proportion of tobacco field soil fertilizer recommendation based biological organic fertilizer 675 kg/hm2 with 1500 kg/hm2 in transplanting nutrient soil (by 1372.5 bio organic fertilizer Tu Hui, 75, 15 and 37.5 phosphate compound fertilizer and uniformly mixing fertilizer (3). Soil conditioner and organic fertilizer) - bentonite - humic acid mixture to enhance the adsorption of nitrogen in tobacco field soil, effects of soil conditioner on soil adsorption of NH4+-N with prolonged incubation time showed a gradually increasing trend, and in the cultivation of 60 d nitrogen adsorption isothermal adsorption curve reached the highest value. The NH4+-N can be well fitted by Langmuir equation. With the increase of soil conditioners, soil NH4+-N maximum adsorption capacity of Qmax is gradually increased. In the soil conditioner can adjust the proportion of humic acid added yellow The soil holding capacity of NH4+-N absorption, the conditioner humic acid content is 20%, significantly increased the capacity and strength of NH4+-N. The adsorption of yellow soil in tobacco production can choose organic fertilizer - bentonite, humic acid three ratio of soil conditioner 6:2:2, according to the situation of soil fertility in tobacco fields around to determine the application the amount. (4) to a certain degree of improvement of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, using the fuzzy mathematics method to determine the membership degree of evaluation index, calculate the weight by partial correlation coefficient method, the soil fertility quality of Chongqing tobacco field before and after finishing improvement were evaluated. 11 indexes as the evaluation index, including water stable aggregate, pH, cation exchange capacity, organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, potassium, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, water soluble chloride. The contribution of each evaluation index of soil nutrients in different soil, the comprehensive support Contribution of the largest degree of organic matter, the weight coefficient is 0.1657, and the contribution of the smallest is k, the weight value is only 0.0244. new finishing tobacco improved fertility level (IFI) for the overall high accounted for 5.21%, accounting for 46.96% of the high level of fertility, nutrient level is medium 41.43%, low nutrient level and low soil fertility accounted for key index changes before and after the 6.4%. Chongqing new tobacco sorting improved greatly, on the whole, the soil fertility in tobacco fields improved significantly. Among them, a large number of elements of soil available nutrients, nutrient content, cation exchange capacity and the number of microbial flora are improved greatly. The effect is more obvious.
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