本文关键词:基于耕地地力评价的东北典型黑土区地力提升研究 出处:《沈阳农业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 东北典型黑土区 地力评价 障碍度模型 障碍因素 地力提升
【摘要】:耕地是农业生产中最重要的生产资料,是人类生存和社会发展最根本的物质基础。耕地数量和质量对粮食安全和社会稳定具有重要影响。东北黑土区是世界三大黑土区之一,主要分布在黑龙江省、吉林省和辽宁省,而典型黑土区又是东北黑土区的核心地带,是我国的主要商品粮基地,影响着我国的粮食安全。本文以东北典型黑土区为研究区域,从影响该区域耕地地力的气候条件、立地条件、剖面性状、理化性质、土壤养分、和土壤管理、等六个方面选取了 13个评价指标,应用层次分析法和模糊数学评价法等方法对研究区进行耕地地力评价,将该区域耕地划分为十个等级。依据对耕地地力的影响程度以及当前地力提升的难易程度,选取耕层厚度、有机质、有效磷、pH、灌溉保证率和排涝能力等六个障碍因素进行障碍度分析,运用改进的障碍度函数模型对研究区中等地向高等地提升、低等地向中等地提升和低等地向高等地提升三种情况分别做了障碍因素的障碍度诊断,并运用等距法将各障碍因素的障碍程度划分为四个等级,即无障碍度、轻度障碍、中度障碍、重度障碍。针对各障碍因素的障碍程度以及分布特征提出耕地地力提升措施和建议,得到研究成果如下:(1)东北典型黑土区耕地总面积为825.39万hm2,其中以二、三、四、五、六等地为主,占该区域耕地总面积的比例分别为12.58%、11.71%、16.16%、20.66%和22.00%。将研究区耕地按高等地(一、二、三等)、中等地(四、五、六、七等)、低等地(八、九、十等)进行划分研究,发现东北典型黑土区主要以中等地为主,中等地耕地面积约为554.25万hm2,占耕地总面积的67.15%;高等地面积约为236.30万hm2,占耕地总面积的28.63%;低等地耕地面积约为34.83万hm2,占耕地总面积的4.22%。(2)东北典型黑土区耕地地力等级空间分布呈明显的南高北低趋势,高等地集中分布于黑龙江省五常市以南至辽宁省昌图县,中等地主要集中于五常市以北至嫩江县的大片区域,而低等地则分散分布于嫩江县、五大连池市和依安县等区域。(3)东北典型黑土区耕地地力障碍因素主要是以轻度障碍为主,这说明该区域耕地自然条件较好,相邻等级之间耕地条件相差不多,提升需要采取的措施难度不大。但具体来看又有区别,从中等地向高等地提升和从低等地向中等地提升障碍因素以轻度障碍为主,而从低等地向高等地提升障碍因素的障碍程度较重。因此在进行耕地地力提升时相邻等地间提升较容易,跨等级提升难度较大。此外,从空间上看各地区耕地存在的障碍因素也存在差异,因此在进行耕地地力提升时应因地制宜的制定对应措施和方案。
[Abstract]:Cultivated land is the most important means of production in agricultural production. The quantity and quality of cultivated land have an important impact on food security and social stability. The Northeast Black soil region is one of the three major black soil regions in the world, mainly distributed in Heilongjiang Province. Jilin province and Liaoning province, and the typical black soil region is the core of the northeast black soil region, is the main commodity grain base of our country, which affects the food security of our country. This paper takes the northeast typical black soil area as the research area. Thirteen evaluation indexes were selected from climate conditions, site conditions, profile characters, physical and chemical properties, soil nutrients, and soil management. The methods of AHP and fuzzy mathematics were used to evaluate the land fertility of cultivated land in the study area. The cultivated land in this area is divided into ten grades. According to the degree of influence on the cultivated land fertility and the difficulty degree of the current land fertility improvement, the thickness of the tilling layer, organic matter and available phosphorus pH are selected. Six obstacle factors, such as irrigation guarantee rate and drainage capacity, were analyzed, and the improved obstacle degree function model was used to promote the middle and equal areas to higher land in the study area. The obstacle degree of the obstacle factors was diagnosed in the three situations of low to medium and low to high, and the obstacle degree of each obstacle factor was divided into four levels by using the equidistant method. According to the degree and distribution of the obstacle factors, the paper puts forward some measures and suggestions for the improvement of cultivated land fertility. The results are as follows: (1) the total area of cultivated land in the typical black soil region of northeast China is eight million two hundred and fifty-three thousand and nine hundred hm ~ 2, of which 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are the main ones. The proportion of cultivated land in this area is 12.58% and 20.66% and 22.00%, respectively. The cultivated land in the study area is classified as high (first, second, third class). The middle area (4, 5, 6, 7) and the lower land (8, 9, 10, etc.) were divided. It was found that the typical black soil area in Northeast China was mainly medium land, and the cultivated land area of middle equal land was about five million five hundred and forty-two thousand and five hundred hm2. Occupying 67.15% of the total cultivated land; The area of higher land is about two million three hundred and sixty-three thousand mm ~ 2, which accounts for 28.63% of the total area of cultivated land. The area of low land cultivated land is about 348,300 hm2, accounting for 4.22% of the total area of cultivated land.) the spatial distribution of cultivated land fertility grade in typical black soil area of Northeast China shows an obvious trend of south high and north low. The high level is concentrated in the south of Wuchang City of Heilongjiang Province to Changtu County of Liaoning Province. The middle area is mainly concentrated in a large area from north of Wuchang City to Nenjiang County while the lower one is scattered in Nenjiang County. Five Lianchi City and Yi'an County and other regions. 3) typical black soil area in Northeast China cultivated land fertility obstacles are mainly light obstacles, which shows that the natural conditions of cultivated land in this region are better. The conditions of cultivated land between adjacent grades are similar, the measures to be taken to upgrade are not difficult, but there are differences in specific terms. From moderate to higher and from low to moderate to moderate, the main obstacle factors were mild obstacle. Therefore, it is easier to raise the land between adjacent and equal places, and it is more difficult to raise the level of land from lower land to higher land. In addition, it is more difficult to raise the level of land. Therefore, the corresponding measures and schemes should be formulated according to the local conditions.
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