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发布时间:2018-01-13 01:19

  本文关键词:野生玫瑰表型多样性研究 出处:《山东农业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 野生玫瑰 种群 表型性状 鉴定评价技术规范

【摘要】:野生玫瑰(Rosa rugosa)是蔷薇科蔷薇属落叶灌木,目前在国内仅零星分布于山东东部沿海、辽宁南部沿海以及吉林珲春图们江入海口等地区。由于滨海地区工业开发、旅游度假、水产养殖等人类活动的增加,其野生分布区逐渐萎缩。1992年,野生玫瑰作为珍稀濒危植物被编入《中国植物红皮书》。为了更好的保护和利用野生玫瑰种质资源,本文以野生玫瑰自然分布区内的5个代表种群为研究对象,运用方差分析、多重比较、主成分分析、相关分析、聚类分析等方法,得出野生玫瑰种群表型变异程度和变异规律。同时在调查总结的基础上,制定了玫瑰野生种质资源鉴定评价技术规范,对于其种质资源的收集、鉴定和评价具有重要意义。研究结果显示:(1)方差分析结果表明:野生玫瑰24个表型性状在种群间和种群内均现存在极显著差异,变异非常丰富。(2)野生玫瑰种群内变异(0.2718)大于种群间变异(0.1679),种群内变异是表型变异的主要来源,种群间平均表型分化系数(VST)为0.2952,分化水平相对较大;表型性状平均变异系数(CV)为18.48%(6.67—26.79%),叶片、果实、花、种子的变异系数依次为21.40%、17.42%、12.54%、6.67%,稳定性依次降低。(3)主成分分析表明:野生玫瑰叶片、果实的表型变异对种群变异起主要的贡献作用。(4)相关分析表明:野生玫瑰托叶长与年平均气温、7月平均气温呈显著正相关,与经、纬度呈显著负相关;果实横径与年降水量呈显著正相关;千粒重与经、纬度呈显著正相关,与7月平均气温呈显著负相关。(5)利用欧氏距离进行系统聚类分析,可以将5个种群划分为3类,表型性状主要依地理位置聚类。(6)制定玫瑰野生种质资源鉴定评价技术规范,包括32个鉴定内容,各鉴定评价方法依性状类型而定。
[Abstract]:Rosa rugosa is a deciduous shrub of Rosa genus in Rosaceae, which is scattered in the east coast of Shandong Province. The coastal areas of southern Liaoning and the entrance of the Hunchun Tumen River to the sea. Due to the increase of human activities in coastal areas such as industrial development, tourism and vacation, aquaculture and so on, its wild distribution area gradually shrank. 1992. Wild rose as a rare and endangered plant was included in the Red Book of Chinese plants. In order to better protect and utilize wild rose germplasm resources, five representative populations in the natural distribution region of wild rose were studied in this paper. By means of variance analysis, multiple comparisons, principal component analysis, correlation analysis, cluster analysis and so on, the phenotypic variation degree and variation law of wild rose population were obtained. The technical criteria for the identification and evaluation of wild rose germplasm resources and the collection of its germplasm resources were established. The analysis of variance showed that there were significant differences in 24 phenotypic traits among populations and within populations. The variation in wild rose population was 0.2718), which was larger than that in interpopulation variation (0.1679). Intra-population variation was the main source of phenotypic variation. The average phenotypic differentiation coefficient (VST) among populations was 0.2952, and the differentiation level was relatively large. The average coefficient of variation (CV) of phenotypic traits was 18.480.6.67-26.790.The coefficient of variation of leaves, fruits, flowers and seeds was 21.40% and 17.42%, respectively. The principal component analysis showed that the leaves of wild rose decreased in turn. The phenotypic variation of fruit played a major contribution to the population variation. The correlation analysis showed that the length of wild rose stipules was positively correlated with the annual mean temperature and the mean temperature on July, and negatively correlated with longitude and latitude. There was a significant positive correlation between fruit diameter and annual precipitation. 1000-grain weight was positively correlated with longitude and latitude, and negatively correlated with mean temperature on July. Phenotypic traits are mainly based on geographical location cluster. 6) Technical specifications for identification and evaluation of rose wild germplasm resources are made, including 32 identification contents, and each identification and evaluation method depends on the type of characters.


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