本文关键词: 林蛙系列产品 产品开发项目 项目规划 方案设计 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:China forest frog is endemic to China's high economic value of medicinal amphibians animal. Changbai Mountain region is the main producing areas of the natural distribution of Rana chensinensis, at present most products are products of raw materials or rough machining products, due to the deep processing and comprehensive utilization of capacity is insufficient, has not formed the scale of industrialization, has not formed a unified brand products, the market price is not high, competitiveness is not strong, greatly limits the market. This project is based on the protection of resources, products deep processing and sustainable development, open up a new way for the deep development of Rana chensinensis in Changbai Mountain. This series of product development project as the research object, the use of project management theory, the the project of the project analysis, planning, design planning and put forward the safeguard measures of project planning scheme. First, the frog series products and present situation of project management are analyzed, This project adopts PEST method for the macro environment of Changbai Mountain forest frog series products, in turn from the policy, economic, social and technical feasibility analysis, at the same time through the L public questionnaire on market demand and market competition, and other aspects of risk assessment, after research found that the forest frog series products the development has broad market prospects. Secondly, in the forest frog series product development project, make full use of Internet plus, it combines online and offline, build the forest frog characteristic resources point of care. The project mainly in the "company + base + farmers" mode of radiation to the surrounding areas, with the rapid development of the Internet today, the forest frog products get more extensive development. Thirdly, the forest frog breeding department, product development department, Rana chensinensis products processing Department of the three parts of the forest frog Oil research and development project of forest frog brain and frog skin and other products, the design of organization structure and working process of specific products, the output from the input, design and development review, verification, confirmation, to the new product trial finally, to complete the development of the 3 series of products, including preliminary research, product development test, production trial setting content; finally, from the aspects of the relevant security measures that the project met in the development process of possible problems and related preventive measures, through the establishment of an effective project team, improve team working efficiency, improve project quality, cost, target, risk management technology, strengthening project schedule control, reasonable arrangement of time and keep track and improve the project plan and other security measures to effectively guarantee the feasibility of implementation of the project. The project will fully mobilize the forest frog farmers farming area Polar, to develop a unified standard specification for breeding Rana chensinensis levels to improve the quality, build a set of breeding, development, processing, sales of large project cluster, can greatly improve the income of farmers, improve the breeding environment, increase science and technology research and development capabilities of L City, pulling the industry with the development step, to absorb the local idle labor induction training posts, drive area farmers out of poverty, achieve economic benefits, social benefits and ecological benefits of three harvests.
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6 杨e,