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发布时间:2018-04-03 22:33

  本文选题:辽阳石洞沟森林公园 切入点:植物景观修复 出处:《沈阳农业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:For forest parks, plants are the most important landscape resource, and creating high-quality plant landscapes is essential to improve the landscape quality of forest parks, enhance the impact of forest parks, and increase revenue.Serious forest fire occurred in Shidonggou Forest Park of Liaoyang, which caused serious damage to vegetation, caused many damaged areas of vegetation in the forest park, reduced the aesthetic feeling of forest park and affected forest recreation activities.In this study, the damaged area and related vegetation were analyzed and evaluated.From the view of landscape, plant landscape restoration strategy is put forward for the subsequent reconstruction of forest park. (1) in this study, the damaged area of forest park is firstly analyzed with the visual sensitivity of landscape.The results show that the damaged crown fire area is located in the secondary sensitive area of landscape vision in the west side of forest park, and the surface fire area is located in the first and second class sensitive area of landscape vision in the west side and northeast side of mountain body.The study on the intact Southeastern region of Forest Park. Further through the statistics of the forest vegetation in the same vegetation area between the province and Liaoyang Shidonggou Forest Park, the important local applied tree species (Larix olgensis, Picea koraiensis) were determined.Pinus tabulaeformis, Juglans mandshurica, Maple Poplar, Poplar, Acer maple, Acer mongolica, Quercus liaotungensis, etc., all the above species are suitable for healthy growth in Shidonggou Forest Park. Through AHP's Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), an evaluation system for the selection suitability of restoration tree species is established.The sites that need to be repaired are evaluated separately to determine the suitable supplementary tree species for restoration.The evaluation of vegetation restoration tree species suitability includes the following aspects: ornamental value (ornamental value of flowers, ornamental value of leaves, ornamental value of fruit, growth characteristics (resistance, growth, growth, economic value),The function of ecological value (anti-fire and flame-retardant function, function of soil and water conservation, function of providing recreational activities for wildlife, function of ecological carbon sequestration, added value (function of cultural intention, function of popularizing science, function of secreting bactericidal substance),The function of secreting aromatic substances was evaluated and analyzed. The restoration strategy of the damaged area was obtained. The restoration in the first sensitivity region of landscape vision was mainly composed of the dominant tree species, Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus sylvestris and Larix olgensis, and the supplementary species could be used as Luan tree.Apricot, clove, larch, autumn pears, red spruce, Beijing peach, false maple, pentagonal maple, forsythia, etc.The restoration of damaged area in the secondary sensitivity area of landscape vision was based on the reduction of dominant tree species, and the suitable additional tree species included: Luan, Lesculia, Populus canadensis, clove, Forsythia forsythia, Amorpha fruticosa, Quercus liaotungensis, Robinia pseudoacacia, Juglans mandshurica.The restoration in the three sensitive areas of landscape vision is based on the supplementary planting of Pinus tabulaeformis, Juglans mandshurica, oak tree and so on, and the suitable tree species for supplementary planting include Canadian poplar, Luan tree, weeping willow, mulberry, Robinia pseudoacacia, maple poplar, Amorpha acacia, spring elm, Bai Hua.From the view of landscape and forest tourism, the paper puts forward the restoration strategy of plant landscape to the damaged area of Shidonggou Forest Park in Liaoyang, which can be used as a reference for the later afforestation design and to restore and improve the plant landscape quality of the forest park.


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