本文选题:图像处理 + 最大稳定极值区域 ; 参考:《天津理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:China is a large agricultural country with the largest agricultural population in the world. Agriculture is the basic industry on which our country depends for survival. China's arable land accounts for only 7 percent of the world's population, but it is responsible for a fifth of the world's population. With the aggravation of the aging trend in China, the population engaged in agricultural production is decreasing year by year, so it is urgent to solve this problem. With the development of robot technology and artificial intelligence, it is possible for robots to enter the field of agricultural production. The introduction of agricultural robots to agricultural production can effectively alleviate the current contradictions, promote the development of the robot industry while liberating limited labor resources, but also greatly reduce the production costs of cucumber, improve productivity. The mechanical harvesting of agricultural robots requires automatic detection and counting of tree crown fruits. Because of similar color, irregular shape and complex background, fruit recognition is very difficult to carry out picking. Therefore, it is a challenging task to identify cucumber in complex background based on all the above problems. In this paper, a technique based on texture analysis and color analysis is proposed to detect the conversion of cucumber image into gray-scale image and HSI image in greenhouse. Color analysis is performed in the first phase to remove the background, such as soil, branches and sky, while maintaining as many green fruit pixels as possible to present cucumber and leaves. At the same time, MSER and HOG are applied to texture analysis in grayscale images. Candidate regions were obtained by MSER. These candidate regions include cucumber candidate regions. Hog SVM is used to distinguish between cucumber target and background elimination is not a cucumber candidate region. In order to eliminate the non-target region further, the key points were detected by SIFT algorithm, and the cucumber area was determined according to the density characteristics of SIFT. The results of color analysis and texture analysis were combined to obtain candidate cucumber regions. In the final stage, mathematical morphology was used to obtain the complete cucumber. After the above operation, the cucumber contour is more accurate than the general segmentation method, and the test recognition rate in the natural light environment in the agricultural greenhouse is higher than that in the ordinary segmentation method, which ensures the accurate picking of the agricultural robot.
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