[Abstract]:Epidemic disease, especially viral epidemic disease, is the main reason that affects the development of pig industry. It is harmful to large-scale pig farms for viral infectious diseases. Swine fever (CSF), porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS),) porcine circovirus disease (PCVD),) pseudorabies virus (PR) is a serious hazard to pig breeding. Vaccination is the most important means to prevent and control infectious diseases. Monitoring and analyzing the level of antibody against swine is an important basis to determine the risk of swine infection and to formulate prevention and control measures. In this paper, 595 serum samples from pig farms in Northern Shaanxi in 2016 were tested for swine fever, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, porcine circovirus disease and pseudorabies virus antibody (gB). At the same time, the antibody (gE) of pseudorabies virus infection in some pig farms was detected, and the immunization and infection of pseudorabies virus were analyzed. In addition, the effect of effective microorganism (EM) on the performance of sows was studied in order to provide reference for the use of EM in pig breeding. The results are as follows: 1. Immunization status and pseudorabies virus infection status of four viral vaccines in some pig farms in Northern Shaanxi in 2016. (1) the positive rate of CSF antibody in sera of immunized pig farms is 81.40 and 72.110.PCVD is 81.62% and PR is 67.51%. (2) 275 pig farms in Yulin area have positive rates of antibody against PRRS. The positive rates of anti-PRRS and PCVD antibodies in serum samples were 90.0070.00and 83.53, respectively. The positive rates of PRRS and PCVD antibodies in 320 serum samples from pig farms in Yan'an area were 78.7993 and 72.93and 80.54, respectively. (3) piglets. The positive rates of CSF antibody were 85.53% and 91.17% in basal sows and boars, 75.86% and 85.39 in fattening pigs and basic sows, respectively, and the positive rates of PCVD antibody in piglets, fattening pigs, basic sows and boars were 7587.7880800.76.92%, respectively. The positive rate of PRVgB antibody in piglets was 77.14. (4) the positive rate of PRVgE antibody in 371 sera of non-pseudorabies vaccine immunized pig was the effect of 27.49%.2.EM on sows' performance. The results of postpartum sows and weaning piglets fed with effective microbial flora (EM) showed that the average daily feed intake of sows was 12.07 higher than that of the control group, the birth weight of piglets increased 15.90%, the number of live piglets increased 12.09%, the weaning weight increased 9.09%, and the weaning weight increased 9.09%. The number of piglets increased 20.99, the survival rate of weaning increased 8.81%, the average feed intake of the experimental group increased 10.26 compared with that of the control group, the feed weight ratio decreased 7.14%, and the incidence rate decreased 50.03%.
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