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发布时间:2018-10-15 07:23
【摘要】:内蒙古河套地区水资源丰富,近几年河套灌区种植业产业结构的优化调整,向日葵逐渐成为当地的主要栽培作物之一,已经是当地农民收入的主要来源之一。随着向日葵种植面积的不断扩大,长期固定单一的施肥模式,不仅造成了肥料过量浪费,土壤营养比例失调,破坏了土壤结构,增加了生产成本,而且加速了环境的污染。本研究将几种新型肥料和化肥适量化技术相结合,研究施用几种新型肥料与化肥配合对向日葵生理特性和产质量的影响,为提高向日葵产质量提供理论依据。(1)适量硅肥能降低食用向日葵的株高,增加食葵的叶面积,提高食葵叶片的SPAD值,提高了食葵的净光合速率(Pn),蒸腾速率(E),气孔导度(Gs),降低胞间CO2浓度(Ci);每公顷施用硅肥135Kg的处理株高最低,为321.49cm,比未施用硅肥的对照处理降低了 6.02%;同时也促进了向日葵氮磷钾的吸收和干物质积累,提高结实率、籽仁率和单盘粒重,进而增加了产量;施用硅肥降低了食用向日葵籽仁粗脂肪含量,提高了籽粒粗蛋白的含量。(2)适量施用腐殖酸水溶肥有利于提高食用向日葵叶面积指数,提高了叶片叶绿素含量。提高了净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度,胞间CO2浓度的下降;施腐殖酸水溶肥还可以促进向日葵对氮磷钾的吸收;增加株高,促进干物质的积累和转移,通过提高食用向日葵的单盘粒重、籽仁率及结实率,提高了产量,每公顷施用150Kg的处理产量最高,为3196.20kg/hm2,比未施用腐殖酸水溶肥的对照处理增产12.10%。对向日葵籽仁蛋白质含量无显著影响。(3)施用牧伦生物有机肥能显著提高食葵的叶面积指数,延缓叶片衰老,增加叶绿色含量;提高净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导的值,增强光合能力;同时增加氮、磷、钾素的吸收,显著提高了干物质的积累,每公顷施用1800的处理收获期干物质量积累达到1681.58 g/株,比对照提高16.31%及各产量构成因素,促进高产;提高食用向日葵籽仁的粗蛋白含量和粗脂肪含量。
[Abstract]:There are abundant water resources in Hetao, Inner Mongolia. In recent years, sunflower has become one of the main cultivation crops in Hetao Irrigation area, and has become one of the main sources of local farmers' income with the optimization and adjustment of the industrial structure of planting industry in Hetao Irrigation District in recent years. With the continuous expansion of sunflower planting area, long-term fixation of a single fertilization model, not only caused excessive waste of fertilizer, soil nutrient ratio imbalance, destroyed the soil structure, increased production costs, but also accelerated environmental pollution. In this study, several new fertilizer and fertilizer appropriate technology were combined to study the effects of several new fertilizers and chemical fertilizer on the physiological characteristics, yield and quality of sunflower. In order to provide theoretical basis for improving sunflower yield and quality, (1) appropriate silicon fertilizer can reduce plant height, increase leaf area and increase SPAD value of edible sunflower leaves. Net photosynthetic rate (Pn),) transpiration rate (E),) stomatal conductance (Gs),) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci);) of the treatment treated with 135Kg were the lowest per hectare. It was 321.49 cm, which decreased 6.02 cm compared with the control without silicon fertilizer, promoted the absorption of N, P, K and dry matter accumulation in sunflower, increased the seed setting rate, seed kernel rate and single disc grain weight, and then increased the yield. The application of silicon fertilizer decreased the crude fat content of edible sunflower seeds and increased the content of crude protein in grain. (2) proper application of humic acid water-soluble fertilizer was beneficial to increase leaf area index and chlorophyll content of edible sunflower. The net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and intercellular CO2 concentration were increased, the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was promoted by humic acid solution, the plant height was increased, and the accumulation and transfer of dry matter were promoted. The yield was increased by increasing the single disc grain weight, seed kernel rate and seed setting rate of edible sunflower. The highest yield per hectare of 150Kg was 3196.20 kg / hm ~ 2, which was 12.10% higher than that of the control without humic acid water-soluble fertilizer. There was no significant effect on protein content of sunflower seed kernels. (3) applying animal manure could significantly increase leaf area index, delay leaf senescence, increase leaf green content, increase net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance. At the same time, the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium significantly increased the accumulation of dry matter. The dry matter mass accumulation of 1800 treatments per hectare reached 1681.58 g / plant, which was 16.31% higher than that of the control, and the yield components were increased to promote high yield. The crude protein content and crude fat content of sunflower seed kernel were increased.


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