[Abstract]:Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. 2 NV) is one of the most important oil crops in the world. During the long period of artificial selection and domestication, the genetic diversity of peanut cultivars decreased, and the genetic basis of breeding parents became narrower, which seriously affected the breeding efficiency. Peanut wild species are rich in genetic diversity. It is of great significance for peanut genetic improvement to create new germplasm resources and enrich its genetic diversity by hybridization between peanut cultivated species and wild species. In this study, a cluster analysis map of 20 peanut varieties (lines) was constructed by using SSR markers, and the genetic similarity coefficient was between 0.64 and 0.90. The average genetic similarity coefficient between Tifrunner and ST001 was 0.77. The highest genetic similarity coefficient between Tifrunner and ST001 was 0.9A. pusilla and ST001 was the lowest, which revealed the genetic relationship between wild species and cultivated species, which laid a foundation for the study of interspecific hybridization. Then, five cultivars of peanut (Tifrunner, Baisha 1016, Yuhua 15, Whiteflower 131, four red) were used as female parent, and 6 wild species (A. glabrataania A. chiquitana A. maccdoia A. duranensis A. batizocoi; all diploid, 2n=2x=20) were used as male parent, and 6 combinations were prepared. Six interspecific hybrids, F1, were obtained by embryo rescue, which were: w1210, w1401, w1403, W1405, W1510L. The results of cytological analysis of interspecific hybrids showed that the number of F1 chromosomes of 6 interspecific hybrids were all 30. The results of molecular marker analysis showed that the chromatin of interspecific hybrids came from their cultivated species and wild parents, respectively. The meiosis behavior and pollen vigor of 6 interspecific hybrids were studied. It was found that the meiotic joint behavior of 6 interspecific hybrids was irregular and F1 was highly sterile. By analyzing the chromosomal behavior of Baisha 1016 脳 A.maccdoi hybrids in meiosis stages, it is found that the reason of high sterility of F1 hybrids may be the irregular pattern of meiosis I and the unequal division after stage I of II. We also investigated and analyzed the resistance and botanical characters of interspecific F _ 1 hybrids. The results showed that the resistance to late spot disease of w121212, w1401and w1403w1405L was significantly higher than that of cultivar parents. Using telomere repeat sequence, 5S rDNA,45S rDNA,A.duranensis genomic DNA,A.stenosperma genomic DNA and A.ipa?nsis genomic DNA as probes, W1401 and its parent Yuhua 15 and A.stenosperma were identified by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The results showed that the 30 chromosomes of w1401 were from A chromosome group, B chromosome group and wild species A. stenosperma of Yuhua 15, respectively. It was revealed that w1401 was the interspecific hybrid F1 of Yuhua 15 and A.stenosperma, which provided a precise cytological method for the identification of future progeny of interspecific hybridization. In addition, 29 (w1210), 34 (w1401), 55 (w1403), 118 (w1405), 41 (w1510) and 98 (L) dominant markers were obtained by the screening of dominant and codominant markers. It lays a foundation for the further development and identification of chromosome translocation lines and infiltrating lines of cultivated and wild species.
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