发布时间:2021-03-12 18:41
【文章页数】:87 页
[1]一个顺式作用元件的载体构建及与一个MYB转录因子的互作分析[J]. 薛巨坤,王博,王莲萍,杨春雨,国会艳,郝爱平. 分子植物育种. 2019(05)
[2]谷子MYB类转录因子SiMYB42提高转基因拟南芥低氮胁迫耐性[J]. 丁庆倩,王小婷,胡利琴,齐欣,葛林豪,徐伟亚,徐兆师,周永斌,贾冠清,刁现民,闵东红,马有志,陈明. 遗传. 2018(04)
[3]高锌胁迫对八棱海棠幼苗锌积累、分配与9个MTP基因表达的影响[J]. 胡亚,王延秀,朱燕芳,郭爱霞,贾旭梅. 园艺学报. 2017(08)
[4]MdMYB73的分子克隆及其在苹果愈伤组织和拟南芥幼苗中的盐抗性功能鉴定[J]. 张全艳,刘晓,于建强,胡大刚,郝玉金. 园艺学报. 2016(11)
[5]Functions and Application of the AP2/ERF Transcription Factor Family in Crop Improvement[J]. Zhao-Shi Xu,Ming Chen,Lian-Cheng Li and You-Zhi Ma~* National Key Facility of Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement(NFCRI),Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Breeding,Ministry of Agriculture,Institute of Crop Science,Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences(CAAS),Beijing 100081,China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2011(07)
[6]NaCl、Na2SO4胁迫对新疆大果沙枣种子萌发及生理特性的影响[J]. 齐曼·尤努斯,李阳,木合塔尔,马娉婷,高桥久光,高桥新平. 新疆农业科学. 2006(02)
[7]AtbHLH29 of Arabidopsis thaliana is a functional ortholog of tomato FER involved in controlling iron acquisition in strategy I plants[J]. You Xi YUAN1,2, Juan ZHANG1,2, Dao Wen WANG1, Hong Qing LING1,* 1The State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China 2Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing 100039, China. Cell Research. 2005(08)
[8]Arabidopsis RAV1 is down-regulated by brassinosteroid and may act as a negative regulator during plant development[J]. Yu Xin HU~*, Yong Hong WANG~*, Xin Fang LIU, Jia Yang LI~(**) Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China.. Cell Research. 2004(01)
[9]铁高效及低效苹果墓因型的铁离子吸收动力学研究[J]. 韩振海,王永章,孙文彬. 园艺学报. 1995(04)
[1]苹果属小金海棠缺铁胁迫相关基因的克隆和表达分析[D]. 曹冬梅.中国农业大学 2003
【文章页数】:87 页
[1]一个顺式作用元件的载体构建及与一个MYB转录因子的互作分析[J]. 薛巨坤,王博,王莲萍,杨春雨,国会艳,郝爱平. 分子植物育种. 2019(05)
[2]谷子MYB类转录因子SiMYB42提高转基因拟南芥低氮胁迫耐性[J]. 丁庆倩,王小婷,胡利琴,齐欣,葛林豪,徐伟亚,徐兆师,周永斌,贾冠清,刁现民,闵东红,马有志,陈明. 遗传. 2018(04)
[3]高锌胁迫对八棱海棠幼苗锌积累、分配与9个MTP基因表达的影响[J]. 胡亚,王延秀,朱燕芳,郭爱霞,贾旭梅. 园艺学报. 2017(08)
[4]MdMYB73的分子克隆及其在苹果愈伤组织和拟南芥幼苗中的盐抗性功能鉴定[J]. 张全艳,刘晓,于建强,胡大刚,郝玉金. 园艺学报. 2016(11)
[5]Functions and Application of the AP2/ERF Transcription Factor Family in Crop Improvement[J]. Zhao-Shi Xu,Ming Chen,Lian-Cheng Li and You-Zhi Ma~* National Key Facility of Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement(NFCRI),Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Breeding,Ministry of Agriculture,Institute of Crop Science,Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences(CAAS),Beijing 100081,China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2011(07)
[6]NaCl、Na2SO4胁迫对新疆大果沙枣种子萌发及生理特性的影响[J]. 齐曼·尤努斯,李阳,木合塔尔,马娉婷,高桥久光,高桥新平. 新疆农业科学. 2006(02)
[7]AtbHLH29 of Arabidopsis thaliana is a functional ortholog of tomato FER involved in controlling iron acquisition in strategy I plants[J]. You Xi YUAN1,2, Juan ZHANG1,2, Dao Wen WANG1, Hong Qing LING1,* 1The State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China 2Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing 100039, China. Cell Research. 2005(08)
[8]Arabidopsis RAV1 is down-regulated by brassinosteroid and may act as a negative regulator during plant development[J]. Yu Xin HU~*, Yong Hong WANG~*, Xin Fang LIU, Jia Yang LI~(**) Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China.. Cell Research. 2004(01)
[9]铁高效及低效苹果墓因型的铁离子吸收动力学研究[J]. 韩振海,王永章,孙文彬. 园艺学报. 1995(04)
[1]苹果属小金海棠缺铁胁迫相关基因的克隆和表达分析[D]. 曹冬梅.中国农业大学 2003