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发布时间:2021-10-09 05:20
  转Bt基因抗虫棉生殖器官杀虫蛋白低表达量影响抗虫性。为提高生殖器官蕾花铃杀虫蛋白的表达,以常规品种泗抗1号(s1)和杂交品种泗抗3号(s3)为试验材料,分别于2016年、2017年和2018年在以前研究基础上设计构成Bt蛋白主要成份的5种氨基酸和所有21种氨基酸处理喷洒蕾花铃探讨氨基酸外用对Bt棉生殖器官杀虫蛋白表达量影响及相关的蛋白质周转机制。研究结果表明:与对照相比,两个氨基酸处理均显著提高了蕾的Bt蛋白含量,Bt蛋白含量增加7.4%-19.4%,全氨基酸应用对棉蕾Bt蛋白含量提高的幅度更大主要与蛋白质降解酶蛋白酶和肽酶活性下降幅度更大有关。氨基酸处理显著提高花中Bt蛋白含量,比对照提高了15.2%~25.8%。但两个氨基酸处理间差异不显著。相似地,2个氨基酸处理的铃壳、棉子和纤维中Bt蛋白也显著提高。如花后25天,泗抗1号Bt蛋白含量量铃壳中提高了 7.4%%-9.30%、棉子中高了23.9%-71.1%,纤维中提高了 23.8%-172.0%;泗抗3号Bt蛋白含量量铃壳中提高了39.0-41.3%、棉子中提高了 15.8%-53.8%、纤维中提高了 20.0%-230.3%。此... 


【文章页数】:50 页


1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
    2.1 Materials and experimental design
    2.2 Preparation of plant material
        2.2.1 Sampling
   The cry IAc protein content
   Free amino acid and soluble protein content
   Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) and glutamate oxaloacetatetransaminase (GOT)
   Protease and peptidase activity
    2.3 Statistics analysis
3. Results
    3.1 The amino acids application treatments on the square insecticidal property
        3.1.1 On the square insecticidal protein concentration
        3.1.2 The amino acids application treatments on square nitrogen metabolismcharacteristics
   On square GPT and GOT activity
   On the square amino acid and soluble protein content
        3.1.3 Relationship between the square insecticidal protein concentration and nitrogenmetabolism
    3.2 The amino acids application treatments on the flower insecticidal property
        3.2.1 On the flower Bt protein concentration
        3.2.2 On the flower nitrogen metabolism characteristics
   On flower GPT and GOT activity
   On flower protease and peptidase activity
   On the flower amino acid and soluble protein content
        3.2.3 Relationship between the flower insecticidal protein concentration and nitrogenmetabolism
    3.3 The amino acids application treatments on the boll insecticidal property
        3.3.1 On the boll shell insecticidal property
   on boll shell Bt protein concentration
   on boll shell nitrogen metabolism characteristics
       On boll shell GPT and GOT activity
       On boll shell protease and peptidase activity
       On the boll shell amino acid and soluble protein content
   Relationship between the boll shell insecticidal protein concentration andnitrogen metabolism
        3.3.2 The amino acids application treatments on the seeds insecticidal property
   On the Cotton seeds insecticidal protein concentration
   on seeds nitrogen metabolism characteristics
       On the seeds GPT and GOT activity
       On seeds protease and peptidase activity
       On the seeds amino acid and soluble protein content
   Relationship between the seeds insecticidal protein concentration andnitrogen metabolism
        3.3.3 The amino acids application treatments on the fiber insecticidal property
   On fiber insecticidal protein concentration
       On seeds GPT and GOT activity
       On fiber protease and peptidase activity
       On fiber soluble protein and amino acid content
   Relationship between the fiber insecticidal protein concentration andnitrogen metabolism
4. Discussion
    4.1 Amino acid application enhanced square, flower and boll Bt protein concentration in Btcotton
    4.2 Increased protein synthesis and reduced protein degradation by exterior amino acidapplication caused elevated Bt toxin content in Bt cotton
5. Conclusions
6. References
The publications of the author

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[5]高温对转基因抗虫棉中Bt杀虫基因表达的影响[J]. 夏兰芹,郭三堆.  中国农业科学. 2004(11)
[6]转Bt基因棉新棉33B叶片氮素代谢特征及其化学调控潜力[J]. 董志强,何钟佩,翟学军.  棉花学报. 2000(03)
[7]转基因抗虫棉组织中Bt毒蛋白表达量的ELISA测定[J]. 陈松,吴敬音,何小兰,黄骏麒,周宝良,张荣铣.  江苏农业学报. 1997(03)




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