[Abstract]:In modern Japanese, the auxiliary verb of causative aid, "Li Wei", appeared only in modern times, and before that the ancient Japanese mainly used "Li Li" and "Li Li" to mean the state of causation. The causative auxiliary verb "Gui" first appeared in the ancient period, but only began to appear in the mid-ancient period. In the Middle Ancient and Middle Epoch period, the two periods existed at the same time. Therefore, from the history of the development of causative expression, causative auxiliary verbs go through three stages, I. e. So, how do the auxiliary verbs, such as "Li", "Li", "Li Li", "Li Wei", "Li Li" are moved by Y? This paper analyzes the form and significance of Japanese causative auxiliary verbs in different times through the investigation of the Japanese causative auxiliary verbs in the five periods of the last generation, the middle age, the middle age and the modern times. It further clarifies the historical Y-transfer process of Japanese causative auxiliary verbs. Through the study, it is found that the causative auxiliary verb in the last generation Japanese is "Li Li", the main meaning of which is causation, but the present use case contains the meaning of respect. After entering mid-ancient times, the well gradually replaced the original status. However, it still exists to a certain extent. According to the distribution of the literature, it mainly exists in the emerging literature of harmony, while it is more preserved in the literature of Chinese. In a sense, the situation is basically the same as that of the ancient times, and it has two meanings: causation and respect. On the other hand, the meaning is more extensive, that is, in addition to the two meanings of causation and respect, there is also the use of laissez-faire. During the Middle Epoch, "Li" and "Li Li" continued to exist at the same time. Most of them were used in training and reading in the Chinese language, but their usage tended to vanish. The scope of application of the word "Li Li" continued to expand, and its significance was in the original diplomatic service, respect, On the basis of laissez-faire, the use of passivity is added. At the same time, in the late Middle Epoch, it began to be transformed into colloquial style. After the modern times, the beginning of the emergence and gradually replaced by the "Li Li". After modern times, "Li Li" basically disappeared, and the vestiges of "Li Wei" still existed in a small amount, which continued to mean that "to do so" had become the main auxiliary verb of causation, and had inherited the "Li Wei" and allowed it to do so. There are three meanings of passive victimization, but no use of respect.
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