[Abstract]:Compound refers to the use of existing words, according to a certain form of combination of new words. That is, it is a manifestation of language economy. The formation ability of compound words varies according to language. This is no exception to Japanese and Korean, which belong to the same language system. Many scholars have studied Japanese and Korean compound verbs before. The morphological changes of Japanese compound verbs generally cause corresponding changes in their meanings. Therefore, the analysis of semantic relationship between elements has been the focus of research. But the compound verbs in Korean are mainly formed according to the syntactic features, so it is always the focus of the study to regard the compound verbs as sentences or words. According to the statistics of "compound verb data set", the number of compound verbs not included in the dictionary is 62.8%, which is far more than the number of compound verbs included in the dictionary. The Korean compound verbs are mostly lexical compound verbs, so they are generally included in the dictionary. According to the above reasons, the contrastive study of Japanese and Korean compound verbs has not been fully and deeply studied. This paper will take the compound verbs in the novel as the research object, take the corresponding relation of the Japanese and Korean compound verbs as the center, and make a contrastive study on the Japanese and Korean compound verbs from the two aspects of morphological and semantic relations. This paper is divided into seven parts. In the second chapter, according to the research object and the first research, the author defines the compound verb from the aspect of morphological characteristics. In the third chapter, this paper classifies the morphology of Japanese and Korean compound verbs, then makes a comparative analysis of them, and finds out the similarities and differences between them. Chapter four mainly studies the semantic relationship between the elements of Japanese and Korean compound verbs. In this paper, the semantic relationship between the constituent elements of Japanese compound verbs is analyzed, and the compound verbs are divided into general compound verbs and lexical compound verbs. Among them, lexical compound verbs are divided into four types: 1V-V structure, 2V-v structure, 3v-V structure, 4v-v structure. The semantic relationship between the components of compound verbs in Korean is divided into equivalence, subordination and fusion. In addition to comparison, the fourth chapter studies the semantic relationship between Japanese and Korean compound verbs. The fifth chapter investigates the semantic relationship of Japanese and Korean compound verbs by collecting Japanese and Korean corresponding examples from the novel. The purpose of this paper is to find out the similarities and differences between Japanese and Korean compound verbs. Furthermore, it is hoped that it will provide some reference value for the study of the structural characteristics of Japanese and Korean.
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