Protecting an organization’s capital base to satisfy the stakeholders along with protection and sustenance of the world’s natural and human resources for use in the future can be a simple definition of sustainable development.
But for this to achieve any results it is essential to integrate sustainable development policies into the designing and monitoring mechanisms of the enterprise.
The stakeholders include shareowners, financers, buyers, workers, partners and societies which are impacted by the business activities.
It not only considers physical and financial resources but also lays stress on human and natural resources.
It needs to be noted that sustainable development can not be achieved by a single enterprise in isolation nor can it be achieved by an entire business community. For sustainable development to become a reality it is necessary that every player in the global economy from the consumers to the governments should understand and implement its principles so that we can meet our current needs and ensure that our future generations can meet theirs.
Considerations for the Enterprise:
The implications of sustainable development are generally a trade off between business growth and environmental protection.
Sustainable development is all about bringing about a overall change in the way these issues are approached.
Enterprises can find out ways of achieving all the following achievements
environment conservation
social prosperity
economic growth
Sustainable development can be a great profit making initiative since it will create demand for providers of eco friendly and social prosperity products thereby opening up a whole new un explored market potential.
Tradeoffs to be Analyzed:
There are some who consider an enterprise’s sole objective to only make wealth for its shareholders while others think that there should be a much wider scope which engulfs the whole society and environment.
All enterprises today have to struggle in choosing between sustainable development and financial health.
Also most sustainable development policies are ambiguous for many industries for example it is very difficult to tell what constitutes sustainable development strategies in forestry industry.
Current Situation
Most executives today believe that sustainable development is a hot topic and represents both threats and untapped potential. There is today a much wider support for sustainable development initiatives in the prevailing business groups but it is essential that these initiatives should be adequately rewarded.
There are many business houses that have taken the first steps example 3M, Dow, McDonalds etc. and have shown that sustainable development provides good financial returns.
It is important to note that customers today are showing preference towards environmental safe products over other products.
Preparing today’s Leadership:
Sustainable development needs to be integrated with the business policies of an enterprise. This just requires a new approach to existing systems and processes.
The most important issues regarding it are
Being more accountable to all stakeholders
Enhancement of reporting standards
Sustainable development policies should be integrated into the MIS used by company executives so that they may easily measure their performance against sustainable development targets and make decisions geared towards achieving them. There needs to be more emphasis given to sustainable development policies in every decision making level.
The following steps need to be implemented for sustainable development to be implemented in an enterprise:
1. Conduct stakeholder identification:
A stakeholder identification and their demand survey is needed so that their needs can be identified correctly and any party isn’t missed out which is or considers itself to be indirectly or directly impacted by the enterprise’s activities. This step defines the issues of maximum importance, curiosity and details needed by stakeholders regarding the enterprise’s sustainable development exercises.
An enterprise can exist only in association with the global economy and along with the society in which it operates. In performing its operations, an enterprise must ensure consideration for human prestige, and work for a community where the environmental protection is ensured.
At the beginning of the industrial age, company executives were interested only in earning the maximum wealth for their shareholders and owners. Enterprises were not to take interest in any communal or environmental goals. Exploitation of natural resources was a norm everywhere.
But today, enterprises operate in a much more complex, and dynamically regulated, atmosphere. Laws and regulations keep a check on their activities, and
Ensure that their directors are accountable to a much larger number of stakeholders. Sustainable development enlarges the stakeholder group much more, by encompassing future generations as well as natural resources.
2. Establish sustainable development programs and targets:
In this step the executives set out the basic virtues that they want their employees to follow regarding sustainable development, and set benchmarks for operational performance.
Senior executives are responsible for formulation of a sustainable development policy for their enterprise, and for setting up of specific targets. Sustainable development is much more than just the environment. It should have social elements in it as well, for example removal of poverty and equity in distribution.
Executives should embody stakeholder requirements into a policy statement that captures the enterprise’s mission regarding sustainable development. This statement would serve as a guide in the planning and implementation process and also put forward values which the executives, workers and other partners such as suppliers are required to strive to achieve.
3. Formulate and implement the plan:
Transforming sustainable development policies into operationally relevant targets is a major task which will affect the entire organization. It involves bringing about a complete change in the overall corporate culture and employee beliefs, assigning responsibilities and accountability, and putting in place organizational structures, information reporting mechanisms and operational customs
Considerations for the Enterprise:
The implications of sustainable development are generally a trade off between business growth and environmental protection.
Sustainable development is all about bringing about a overall change in the way these issues are approached.
Enterprises can find out ways of achieving all the following achievements
environment conservation
social prosperity
economic growth
Sustainable development can be a great profit making initiative since it will create demand for providers of eco friendly and social prosperity products thereby opening up a whole new un explored market potential.
Tradeoffs to be Analyzed:
There are some who consider an enterprise’s sole objective to only make wealth for its shareholders while others think that there should be a much wider scope which engulfs the whole society and environment.
All enterprises today have to struggle in choosing between sustainable development and financial health.
Also most sustainable development policies are ambiguous for many industries for example it is very difficult to tell what constitutes sustainable development strategies in forestry industry.
Current Situation
Most executives today believe that sustainable development is a hot topic and represents both threats and untapped potential. There is today a much wider support for sustainable development initiatives in the prevailing business groups but it is essential that theseinitiatives should be adequately rewarded.
There are many business houses that have taken the first steps example 3M, Dow, McDonalds etc. and have shown that sustainable development provides good financial returns.
It is important to note that customers today are showing preference towards environmental safe products over other products.
Preparing today’s Leadership:
Sustainable development needs to be integrated with the business policies of an enterprise. This just requires a new approach to existing systems and processes.
The most important issues regarding it are
Being more accountable to all stakeholders
Enhancement of reporting standards
Sustainable development policies should be integrated into the MIS used by company executives so that they may easily measure their performance against sustainable development targets and make decisions geared towards achieving them. There needs to be more emphasis given to sustainable development policies in every decision making level.
The following steps need to be implemented for sustainable development to be implemented in an enterprise:
1. Conduct stakeholder identification:
A stakeholder identification and their demand survey is needed so that their needs can be identified correctly and any party isn’t missed out which is or considers itself to be indirectly or directly impacted by the enterprise’s activities. This step defines the issues of maximum importance, curiosity and details needed by stakeholders regarding the enterprise’s sustainable development exercises.
An enterprise can exist only in association with the global economy and along with the society in which it operates. In performing its operations, an enterprise must ensure consideration for human prestige, and work for a community where the environmental protection is ensured.
At the beginning of the industrial age, company executives were interested only in earning the maximum wealth for their shareholders and owners. Enterprises were not to take interest in any communal or environmental goals. Exploitation of natural resources was a norm everywhere.
But today, enterprises operate in a much more complex, and dynamically regulated, atmosphere. Laws and regulations keep a check on their activities, and
Ensure that their directors are accountable to a much larger number of stakeholders. Sustainable development enlarges the stakeholder group much more, by encompassing future generations as well as natural resources.
2. Establish sustainable development programs and targets:
In this step the executives set out the basic virtues that they want their employees to follow regarding sustainable development, and set benchmarks for operational performance.
Senior executives are responsible for formulation of a sustainable development policy for their enterprise, and for setting up of specific targets. Sustainable development is much more than just the environment. It should have social elements in it as well, for example removal of poverty and equity in distribution.
Executives should embody stakeholder requirements into a policy statement that captures the enterprise’s mission regarding sustainable development. This statement would serve as a guide in the planning and implementation process and also put forward values which the executives, workers and other partners such as suppliers are required to strive to achieve.
3. Formulate and implement the plan:
Transforming sustainable development policies into operationally relevant targets is a major task which will affect the entire organization. It involves bringing about a complete change in the overall corporate culture and employee beliefs, assigning responsibilities and accountability, and putting in place organizational structures, information reporting mechanisms and operational customs