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发布时间:2015-01-31 11:21



本文在前人的研究资料基础上,基于需求分析模型,采用定量、定性相结合的方法,通过调查问卷的形式,对广西职业技术学院等五所广西高职院校英语选修课开设和实施情况进行调查,对部分企业对毕业生职业能力需求的调查。并利用SPSS软件,对调查数据进行分析处理,从而得出相关结论。本文主要对一下几个方面的问题进行研究:1)学生对于现有的英语选修课课程设置各方面的满意度2)学生对关于英语选修课设置、内容等方面的意见. 3)企业对高职毕业生英语能力的主要要求。
通过分析我们可以看出:1)学生对于英语选修课的教学侧重点、信息量等满意度相对不高,而对于学校、老师教学态度等是非常认同的。而对于英语选修课课时及上课时间等也是基本满意的。 2)影响学生选修英语选修课的因素中,老师的教学水平是一个重要的方面;学生更希望从英语选修课中提高自己的能力而非单纯的为通过考试。另外在选修英语课时,学生更倾向于按照自己的意愿来进行,而不是让学校或者老师安排。 3)不同性质的企业对毕业生英语能力的要求是不同的,外企和合资企业的要求相对更高。现阶段企业更加注重是学生对行业相关英语的掌握,对于阅读和写作两种英语技能的要求都是一致的。

关键词:高职英语  选修课 课程设置  

Vocational colleges play an irreplaceable role in our professional and technical personnel training. In the era of globalization, the requirements of professional and technical personnel vocational stage also continue to improve, which recommends the students master foreign language translation and application capabilities, and be better in the professional field of literature and technology learning. As a reality, in our vocational education, we emphasis too much on the training of professional skills, and no curriculum is optimized for the requirement of enterprises. As a result, it greatly limits the improvement of vocational education in the development of English and English teaching.
In this paper, on the basis of previous research data and models of needs analysis, we combined qualitative and quantitative methods, and the questionnaires form have been used. We investigated the circumstances and implementation of English electives in Guangxi vocational colleges, and the demands for graduates’ capacity by some companies in Guangxi are also be investigated. Finally, we used SPSS statistical to do exhaustive analysis of the survey results. This paper focuses on several aspects about the study:1)students’ satisfaction with some aspects of existing English electives curriculum 2) students’ attitudes towards  English elective settings, content, etc  3) The main requirements of enterprises for vocational graduates’  English capability
Through the analysis we can see: 1) students’ satisfaction is not high for the main focus and the amount of information of the English electives,while they are very satisfied with teachers' attitude. 2)Among all the factors that influence the students' choice of English optional courses, the teaching proficiency is  of great importance. the students want to improve their English skills rather than just pass the exams. Besides, the students prefer to choose the optional courses according to their own will rather than be imposed by either the teachers or the school system. 3) Different companies have different requirements for their English skills and those of the foreign companies and the joint ventures are relatively higher. The companies at present focus more on students' command of the English relating to the business and their requirements of their English reading and writing are the same.
Keywords: vocational English, elective courses, curriculum design


Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.1.1 The Requirements of English Curriculum in Vocational Education 1
1.1.2 The Status of English Selective Courses in Vocational Colleges 1
1.2 Significance of the Study 2
1.3 Structure of the Thesis 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Definition of Needs and Needs Analysis 4
2.1.1 Definition of Needs 4
2.1.1 Definition of Needs Analysis 7
2.2 Models of Needs Analysis 8
2.2.1 Mubay’s Target Situation Analysis Model 8
2.2.2 Allright’s Present Situation Analysis Model 9
2.2.3 Hutchinson’s & Waters’s Needs Analysis Model 9
2.2.4 Dudley-Evans and St John’s Needs Analysis Model 10
2.2.5 Xia Jimei and Kong Xian’s Needs Analysis Model 10
2.2.6 Shu Dingfang’s Needs Analysis Model 10
2.3 Related Research at Home and Abroad 11
2.3.1 Related Research Abroad 11
2.3.2 Related Research at Home 12
2.5 Curriculum Design for English Teaching 13
2.5.1 General Conception of Curriculum Design 13
2.5.2 Models of Curriculum Design 15
2.5.3 The Importance of Needs Analysis in Curriculum 15
2.6 Related Studies 17
Chapter 3 Methodology 19
3.1 Research Questions 19
3.2 Research Subjects 19
3.3 Research Instruments 20
3.4 Data Collection 21
3.5 Item Analysis 22
3.6 Reliability Analysis 23
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions 25
4.1 Students’ Needs Analysis 25
4.1.1 Analysis of the Survey on English Selective Courses 25
4.1.2 Analysis of Students' Satisfaction with the English Curriculum 28
4.2 Enterprise’s Needs Analysis 32
4.3 Summary 36
Chapter 5 Conclusions 37
5.1 The Findings 37
5.2 Implications 38
5.2.1 Meeting the Needs of Students’ Personality Development 38
5.2.2 The Implementation of Flexible Teaching Management Model 38
5.2.3 Exploring a Three Pairs Based Teaching Faculty 38
5.2.4 English for Practical Uses 39
5.3 Limitations 39
5.4 Suggestions for Further Researches 40
References 41
Appendix A: Questionnaires to Students 44
Appendix B:A Questionnaire to Enterprise 47

List of Tables

Table 3.1 Results of the Questionnaire Analysis 22
Table 3.2 Reliability Coefficient of the Questionnaire 24
Table4.1 Results of Students' Attitudes toward English Electives 25
Table4.2 Skills that Students Want to Get from the Selective Courses Most 26
Table4.3 Reasons that Students Are Interested in a Certain English Course 27
Table4.4 Satisfaction with the Teaching Programs for English Language Courses 28
Table4.5 Students’ Satisfaction with the Employment Prospects 29
Table4.6 Mean Value of Students’ Satisfaction with the English Curriculum 29
Table4.7 Satisfaction Statistics for Teaching Content and Teaching Methods 30
Table4.8 Students’ Satisfaction with Teachers and School 31
Table4.9 Employees’ Ability to Read and Write in English in the Company 32
Table4.10 Company’s Demand for the Employees’ Level of English Writing 33
Table4.11 Company’s Demand for the Employees’ Level of English Reading 33
Table4.12 Mean Value of Enterprise’s Needs 34
Table 4.13 Ways Enterprises Examine the Employees’ English Skills 35

List of Figs  


Fig 1 Students’ Choice in English Electives Selection……………………..….28

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
1.1.1 The Requirements of English Curriculum in Vocational Education
 “The Requirements of English Curriculum of Higher Vocational Education in China (Trial)” clearly states that the vocational English courses should aim to teach students the practical application of English, which is focused on developing the communicative competence of students in their workplace (Department of Higher Education, 2004). Meanwhile, the " requirements" also noted that vocational courses in English should not only help the students learn the basic knowledge of English, but also focus on training students’ practical language skills, especially the ability to deal with future career-related business in English.

Chapter 5 Conclusions

In this chapter, major findings based on the results and discussions are presented at first. And the some implications about affective teaching for English teachers as well as future investigation are expounded. Limitations of this research and suggestions for future study are also in attendance.
5.1 The Findings
Based on the investigation and analysis of vocational schools and enterprises,we find out some problems existing in vocational English elective course curriculum. Our findings can be summarized as follows:
1)The English electives are consistent with the needs of most students, that most people think the English electives is necessary to set up. And the skill they want to get most through elective courses is the "Practical English knowledge". As for the purpose of English electives, half of students chose “pass the examination”, while small number of them takes account of the increase in personal level. And we should note that “the level of teacher” also is the influencing factors of students’ electives. Most of the students want to be able to carry out English electives in accordance with their wishes,,instead of arranged by the school or teacher. Which means students’ wishes should be fully respected in English electives.
2) As for the teaching programs for English language courses, existing curriculum still need to be improved. Students are not satisfied with the main focus of the English electives, content arrangement, the amount of information,so that is the key point of our improving. What’s more, the teaching methods are still cannot meet students. But students are very satisfied with the teaching attitude of school and teachers. 
 3)The requirement are different for employees’ English proficiency due to companies’ literacy.: the employees’ English ability to read and write are generally at a higher level in foreign company and joint ventures ,while state-owned enterprises and private-owned enterprises’ are relatively poor. But from the perspective of requirements for reading and writing, all types of enterprises are the same. And their requirements to vocational graduates are mainly the skills of reading the product manual and reading the routine practical articles, but the literacy of graduates still cannot meet the needs of enterprises. And those enterprises pay more attention the actual industry-related English, which students need to master.
5.2 Implications
5.2.1 Meeting the Needs of Students’ Personality Development
By setting up the selective courses, we can not only meet the growing interests of students in certain social skills, but also enhance their understanding of the professional skills and knowledge in the related fields. The purpose of teaching English selective courses is to achieve a professional service for the training goal and to meet the training needs of different industries of high-quality application-oriented talents of highly skilled service or professional group and of prominent professional support services (Wang Jiao fine,2010). It also aims to make distinction on the basis of commonality and individuality and to timely adjust the teaching content to highlight different professional teaching theory and practical characteristics.
5.2.2 The Implementation of Flexible Teaching Management Model
The selective courses are actually of greater flexibility than the required courses , which has thus presented great opportunities and challenges to the selective courses on English teaching and reform. We should try to change the traditional teaching model , and to establish a people-centered educational philosophy. What is more, we should organically combine the English elective teaching and the students' vocational skills training, and then implement flexible teaching management model of the suitable " work integrated learning " training model and to explore a practical and effective teaching management model. To tell the truth, this is an effective way to embody ideas in the vocational college English electives.
5.2.3 Exploring a Three Pairs Based Teaching Faculty
The need analysis theory provides a specific and clear direction for the creation of a strong practical and functional system of vocational English selective courses. The setting up of the vocational English courses as well as its teaching method must fully take into account the combination of the vocational skills with the teaching content. Therefore, we should make every effort to make sure the implementation of the flexible teaching management, the building of the personalized classroom model. What is more, it is necessary to improve the teaching effectiveness, to truly improve the quality of teaching in vocational English electives and to help the students improve their English skills and their overall quality.
5.2.4 English for Practical Uses
Practical English course is of the top priority in vocational college elective course setting, in which the practicality and practicability of the higher vocational practical English are needed to highlight (Lu Xiuying, Wang Yali, 2010). There is the need of the realization of the enterprise of professional jobs to actively cooperate with industry enterprise development course, and build the training plan according to the requirements of the technology and professional post office. In this way, to bold reform, promote vocational education as a whole for the industry enterprises in the aspect of language services, and get the teaching quality of practical English up to a new level. Therefore, practical English in higher vocational English elective course setting is inevitable.
5.3 Limitations 
In the course of the study, due to the influence of factors such as the investigation period, the following are two deficiencies during the study:
a) No questionnaire for vocational teachers, especially the teachers who open English electives. As the consequence, we can’t understand the situation of English elective from the perspective of teachers. That would make the study of vocational English elective courses not comprehensive enough. Meanwhile, the analysis cannot rational enough for our recommendations.
b) Not in accordance with student learning levels. The students’ views of English elective courses are related to their learning levels. And in this study, we didn’t carry out the surrey in accordance with students learning levels. So the results may have some flaws.
5.4 Suggestions for Further Researches
The suggestions for future research are follows: First of all, the same study can be replicated with more students that stratified according to the level of English learning. In other words, the level of students' English learning should be another content of the investigation. By stratified survey, we can understand views of different English learning levels of students. Then the statistical theory should be used to analyze data, which leads us to a more comprehensive and detailed judgment and make the article with a larger universal significance. Secondly, we should carry out a study on teachers in vocational school, especially English teachers. Consult them about the problems encountered in process of vocational English elective courses. And the situation of students learning in class should also be asked. Mathematical analysis will be conducted using SPSS, etc. Thus more rational, comprehensive understanding of vocational English elective settings will be obtained.


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