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发布时间:2018-02-12 20:51

  本文关键词: 性别与翻译研究 译者主体性 傲慢与偏见 出处:《西安工程大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:自20世纪80年代的翻译“文化转向”以来,翻译的研究视角不断扩大,与其他学科的联系也更为紧密,也形成了许多与译者有关的翻译观,例如:女性主义翻译观与译者主体性。译者主体性重新定义了翻译中的忠实原则并强调译者在翻译中的主体地位。而女性主义与翻译的结合唤醒了译者的性别意识,越来越多的译者在翻译中勇于彰显自己的性别身份。这也使得越来越多的研究者开始关注性别因素在翻译中的影响,从性别视角去研究翻译也逐渐成为备受关注的课题。由于培养模式和社会要求的不同,女性和男性在成长的过程中会形成不同的个性特点和意识形态。这些稳定的差异会造成他们语言使用的不同,这些不同表现在诸如:语调,语法,词汇,正式程度,语句结构等方面。因此,不同性别的译者在同一部作品的翻译中会体现出不同的语言使用特点。在本研究中,作者旨在通过《傲慢与偏见》的两个中文译本来研究译者的性别对翻译的影响。《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀所著的经典著名之作。所选的两个译著分别为:女性译者雷立美译本和男性译者王科一译本。本研究从三个研究对象中共提取出213个语料,每三个语料为一组,每组均包括原作与两个译著的相应内容,通过对这些语料进行文本分析,案例分析,对比分析及定性描述,作者旨在分析译者性别对翻译语言影响的具体方面。本研究在Chris Kramer及Sun Rujian等学者的研究基础上,从词汇,句子,情感表达及翻译策略四个方面方面对两个译本进行了对比分析,对男性和女性在每个方面具体的不同进行了分类列举。通过该项研究,作者发现译者性别对王科一和雷立美的中文译本确实产生了影响,影响的具体方面在第四章也逐一呈现。总体来说,在词汇方面,女性译者选词比男性译者更加正式,温和,女性译者使用了更多的语气词,男性译者倾向于运用代词使其语言更加简洁;在句子方面,男性译者的句子更简洁,短句较多;在情感方面,女性译者情感更加细腻,贴切,但其感情色彩也比男性译者更加强烈、激进;在翻译策略方面,男性译者与女性译者分别选用了意译和直译两种不同的翻译策略。该项研究是性别与翻译研究的有效扩充,进一步丰富了译者主体性的研究。此外,了解男女译者不同的语言特点可以让彼此扬长避短,从而提高翻译质量。
[Abstract]:Since the "cultural turn" of translation in 1980s, the perspective of translation studies has been expanded, and the relationship with other disciplines has become closer, which has formed a lot of translation views related to translators. The translator's subjectivity redefines the principle of faithfulness in translation and emphasizes the translator's subjective position in translation, while the combination of feminism and translation awakens the translator's gender consciousness. More and more translators have the courage to show their gender identity in translation, which makes more and more researchers begin to pay attention to the influence of gender factors in translation. The study of translation from a gender perspective has gradually become a subject of great concern. Women and men develop different personalities and ideologies as they grow up. These steady differences lead to differences in language use, such as intonation, grammar, vocabulary, formality, Therefore, translators of different genders will have different linguistic characteristics in the translation of the same work. The author aims to study the influence of gender on translation through two Chinese versions of Pride and Prejudice. Pride and Prejudice is a famous classic by Jane Austen. Translation of Lei Limei and male translator Wang Keyi. 213 data were extracted from three subjects in this study. Each of the three corpus is a group, each group includes the corresponding contents of the original and the two translated works, through the text analysis, case analysis, comparative analysis and qualitative description of these data, On the basis of the research by Chris Kramer and Sun Rujian, the author makes a contrastive analysis of the two versions in terms of vocabulary, sentence, emotional expression and translation strategies. In this study, the author found that the gender of the translator had an impact on the Chinese versions of Wang Keyi and Lei Limei. On the whole, female translators choose words more formally and gently than male translators, and female translators use more modal words than male translators. Male translators tend to use pronouns to make their language more concise; in sentences, male translators are more concise and have more short sentences; in emotional terms, female translators are more sensitive and relevant. However, their emotional color is more intense and radical than that of male translators. In terms of translation strategies, male translators and female translators choose two different translation strategies, free translation and literal translation, respectively. This study is an effective expansion of gender and translation studies. In addition, understanding the different linguistic characteristics of male and female translators can make each other take advantage of each other's strengths and circumvent their weaknesses, thereby improving the quality of translation.


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