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发布时间:2018-03-16 09:11

  本文选题:汤显祖 切入点:《南柯记》 出处:《中国翻译》2017年03期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:2016年,纪念汤显祖和莎士比亚逝世400周年的英文现代戏剧《仲夏夜梦南柯》在中英两国巡回演出。本文分析了从汤显祖名剧《南柯记》到其英译本、从英译本到英文改编剧本DREAMING Under the Southern Bough(《梦南柯》)、以及英剧本汉译这三个过程中的文化翻译现象,发现:在《南柯记》这部中国文化名著英译的西行过程中,原作的文化因素有一定程度的省略和简化;在英译本到英剧本的改编过程中,主创及编剧进行了跨文化的重塑;在英剧本汉译的过程中,译者进行了跨文化的协调。本文的分析或可为"中国文化走出去"提供一个鲜活的案例。
[Abstract]:In 2016, the modern English drama "Midsummer Night's Dream of Nanke", commemorating the 400th anniversary of the death of Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare, toured in China and England. This paper analyzes the English translation of Tang Xianzu's famous play Nanke Ji. From the English translation to the English adaptation of DREAMING Under the Southern Bough. and the translation of English script into Chinese, we find that: in the course of westward translation of Nanke Ji, a famous Chinese cultural work, The cultural factors of the original have been omitted and simplified to a certain extent; in the process of adaptation from English translation to English script, the originator and the screenwriter have undergone cross-cultural remodeling; in the process of translating the English script into Chinese, the author and the writer have carried out cross-cultural remodeling. The analysis of this paper may provide a fresh case for "Chinese culture going out".
【作者单位】: 英国利兹大学;
【基金】:国家留学基金委2014年国际区域问题研究及外语高层次人才培养项目(留金亚[2014]9037号) 李如茹教授主持的“威廉·莎士比亚与汤显祖:欢庆四百年文化遗产”戏剧文化交流项目的资助




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