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发布时间:2018-03-21 10:33

  本文选题:奥斯卡动画长片 切入点:文化缺省 出处:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:从语言交际的角度看,对共同文化背景的省略可以使得语言更简洁从而提高双方的交际效率。然而,当读者与作者处于不同文化背景时,被作者省略的文化背景便会成为巨大的交流障碍。因此,对于作者设定的文化缺省是翻译需要解决的主要问题之一,译者对文化缺省进行的翻译补偿便是为译语读者架起了一座通往源语作者的桥梁,最终使得译文读者到达原文作者的思想彼岸。译者对源语中的文化缺省补偿的优劣直接关系到译文读者对原文的理解。本论文选取奥斯卡动画长片中的台词作为语料分析其中的文化缺省及译者的汉译补偿。影视作为文化传播的途径不容小觑,动画影视却是经常被研究者忽略的一类影视,而动画影视的受众却越来越多。本文的研究对象包括Finding Nemo,The Incredibles以及Zootopia等15部奥斯卡动画长片。通过归纳与分析15部动画长片中的文化缺省发现其背后蕴含的文化内涵,总结译者针对文化缺省进行的汉译补偿方法,同时发现译者使用的补偿方法如增译法、文内补偿法等中均存在着优缺点。最后,本论文分析了这些不足背后的原因同时提出解决建议。译者、译作与译文读者构成了一部翻译作品的连续性循环。在进行翻译的过程中,译者承担着文化传播的使命。译者在进行汉译补偿时,首先要确定其想要达到的预期补偿效果,同时,译者本身要具备双语能力与双文化意识,其次依据汉译补偿的原则并兼顾两种文化冲突中存在的四种模式选择补偿策略。这样译者才可以对文化缺省现象进行更好地补偿从而架起一座译文读者通向原文作者思想彼岸的桥梁,最终进行有效的文化交流。
[Abstract]:From the perspective of language communication, the omission of common cultural background can make the language more concise and improve the communication efficiency of both parties. However, when the reader and the author are in different cultural backgrounds, The cultural background omitted by the author becomes a great barrier to communication. Therefore, the cultural default set by the author is one of the main problems in translation. The translator's compensation for cultural default is a bridge to the author of the source language. Finally, the target readers reach the other side of the original author's thoughts. The translator's compensation for the cultural default in the source language is directly related to the readers' understanding of the original text. The cultural default and the translator's Chinese translation compensation are included in the corpus analysis. As a means of cultural transmission, film and television should not be underestimated. Animation film and television is a kind of film and television that is often ignored by researchers. However, the audience of animation film and television is increasing. The research objects of this paper include 15 Oscar-winning feature films such as Finding Nemoor, the Incredibles and Zootopia. By summarizing and analyzing the cultural default in 15 animated feature films, we find the cultural connotation behind it. In this paper, the author summarizes the Chinese translation compensation methods for cultural default, and finds out that there are advantages and disadvantages in the compensation methods used by the translator, such as the incremental translation method and the in-text compensation method. This thesis analyzes the reasons behind these shortcomings and puts forward some suggestions. The translator, the translated text and the target reader constitute a continuous cycle of the translated works. The translator is responsible for the mission of cultural communication. In the process of translating compensation into Chinese, the translator must first determine the desired compensation effect, at the same time, the translator should have bilingual ability and bicultural consciousness. Secondly, according to the principle of Chinese translation compensation and taking into account the four modes existing in the two cultural conflicts, compensation strategies are chosen. Only in this way can the translator compensate the cultural default phenomenon better and set up a target reader to the original text. The author thought of the bridge on the other side, Finally, effective cultural exchange is carried out.


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