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《POLYAK EYNEZ煤矿矿井设计与生产设备招标合同》翻译项目报告

发布时间:2018-06-30 16:44

  本文选题:《土耳其伊兹密尔POLYAK + EYNEZ煤矿矿井设计与生产设备招标合同》 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着对外交流合作不断深入,中国与各国之间的友谊更加密切,与其它国家商务往来也更加频繁。中国和外国在能源勘探、设计和开采等工程方面的沟通也日益增多。作为国内领先的采矿设计、施工企业,译者所在公司一直注重开拓国际市场,向国外输出国内先进的设计、组织和管理经验。本项目报告所用材料是我公司中标土耳其业主Polyak Eynez公司煤矿设计项目后签署的煤矿设计合同文件及合同附件(英文),和后续设计定型后按合同约定交付的设计内容之一一—瓦斯抽采系统技术说明(中文)。功能学派的目的论是译者进行本报告翻译实践的理论依据。原材料涉及面较广,含有大量的煤矿设计、机械类专业术语,对译者的知识储备提出了挑战。另外,句式上被动句、复杂长难句频繁出现,要求译者能够做到快速理解原文意义,制定对应的翻译策略。通过对整个项目进行错误修正和总结分析,译者认为:弄清楚每个专业术语的意思,并用特定行业的表达方式进行叙述;翻译长、难句时要灵活调整语序,站在受众的角度上进行综合翻译。选词、造句都要结合文章语境和语法知识,通盘考虑是必不可少的步骤。翻译的过程是不断纠正错误和总结经验的过程,扎实的双语基础加上对语言的敏感性,通过借鉴前人,创造性提出解决方案,努力克服遇到的难点要点问题,从而加深了工程翻译水平以及煤矿专业知识的理解,为后期的翻译提供参考。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the deepening of foreign exchanges and cooperation, the friendship between China and other countries has become closer, and business contacts with other countries have become more frequent. Communication between China and foreign countries on energy exploration, design and mining projects is also increasing. As a leading domestic mining design, construction company, the translator has been focusing on the development of international markets, export to foreign advanced design, organization and management experience. The materials used in this project report are the documents and annexes of the coal mine design contract signed by Polyak Eynez, the Turkish owner of our company, after winning the bid for the coal mine design project, and the design agreed upon in accordance with the contract after the subsequent design has been finalized. Technical description of Gas drainage system (in Chinese). The Skopos theory of functional school is the theoretical basis for the translator's translation practice. The wide range of raw materials, including a large number of coal mine design, mechanical terminology, a challenge to the translator's knowledge reserve. In addition, passive sentences in sentence structure and complex long and difficult sentences appear frequently, which requires the translator to understand the meaning of the original text quickly and formulate corresponding translation strategies. Through the error correction and summary analysis of the whole project, the translator thinks that: to find out the meaning of each professional term, and to describe it with the expression of a specific industry; to adjust the word order flexibly when translating long and difficult sentences, Comprehensive translation from the perspective of the audience. The choice of words and sentences should be combined with context and grammatical knowledge. Overall consideration is an essential step. The process of translation is the process of correcting mistakes and summing up experience, having a solid bilingual foundation and sensitivity to language. By drawing lessons from the predecessors, the author creatively proposes solutions to overcome the difficult and important problems encountered. Thus, it deepens the understanding of engineering translation level and coal mine professional knowledge, and provides reference for later translation.


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