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发布时间:2018-09-04 09:24
【摘要】:本论文是一篇翻译实践报告,原文选自美国作家埃文·托马斯(Evan Thomas)的人物传记《成为尼克松》。作者埃文·托马斯是美国著名新闻记者、历史学家和作家。这本传记分为三个部分,共三十章。笔者负责前言及第一、二章节的翻译,约一万多字。《成为尼克松》是埃文·托马斯2015年出版的新作,被《时代周刊》评为年度十佳最佳非小说类作品,也成为了埃文·托马斯第三部登上《纽约时报》畅销榜的作品。该书真实详尽地记录了尼克松总统传奇的人生。作者不只关注尼克松执政时期的事迹,而是记录了尼克松从出生到去世的整段人生旅程。其中第一章主要讲述了理查德·尼克松的成长环境和教育经历及其对尼克松性格塑造的影响。第二章主要讲述了尼克松与帕特(Pat Ryan)相识、相恋并最终结为夫妻的过程。本次翻译实践以尤金·奈达的功能对等理论为指导,致力于在翻译实践中实现原文与译文内容和文体特征上的对等。为了使译文在忠实原文的基础上符合汉语语言习惯,译者采取归化和异化相结合的翻译方法,力求使译文读者获得于原文读者相似的感受。在翻译实践过程中主要运用意译、直译加注等方法减少因文化差异引起的理解障碍。针对本次传记翻译中出现的专有名词和长难句翻译,译者也分别采用了不同的翻译策略和技巧予以解决。
[Abstract]:This thesis is a translation report from the biography of American writer Evan Thomas (Evan Thomas) as Nixon. Evan Thomas is a famous American journalist, historian and writer. The biography is divided into three parts and consists of thirty chapters. The author is responsible for the translation of the preface and the first and second chapters, about 10,000 words. Nixon is a new work published by Evan Thomas in 2015. It was named the Top Ten Non-Fiction works of the year by time magazine. It also became Evan Thomas' third hit on the New York Times bestseller list. The book is a true and detailed account of President Nixon's legendary life. The author not only focuses on the events of Nixon's administration, but records Nixon's entire journey from birth to death. The first chapter mainly describes Richard Nixon's growing up environment and educational experience and its influence on Nixon's character shaping. The second chapter mainly describes the process of Nixon and Pat (Pat Ryan) met, loved and finally married. Guided by Eugene Nida's functional equivalence theory, this translation practice is devoted to the realization of equivalence between the source text and the content and stylistic features of the target text. In order to make the target text conform to the Chinese language habits on the basis of faithful to the original text, the translator adopts the method of combining domestication and dissimilation in order to make the target reader get the same feeling as the original text reader. In the process of translation, free translation and literal annotation are mainly used to reduce the barriers of understanding caused by cultural differences. For the translation of proper nouns and long difficult sentences in this biographical translation, translators adopt different translation strategies and techniques.


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