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发布时间:2021-10-21 08:47


【文章页数】:112 页


List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Background of the Study
    1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
    1.3 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Definitions of Hedges
    2.2 Classifications of Hedges
        2.2.1 Zadeh's Classification
        2.2.2 Prince.et al.'s Classification
        2.2.3 Hyland's Classification
        2.2.4 Varttala's Classification
    2.3 Studies on Hedges in SLA
        2.3.1 Studies on Hedges Abroad
        2.3.2 Domestic Studies on Hedges
    2.4 Dynamic Systems Theory
        2.4.1 Origin of DST
        2.4.2 Basic Characteristics of DST
        2.4.3 Research Methods under DST
        2.4.4 Application of DST into SLA Research
Chapter Three Research Methodology
    3.1 Research Purpose and Questions
    3.2 Research Participants
    3.3 Research Instruments
        3.3.1 Writing Tasks
        3.3.2 Ant Conc3.5.8
        3.3.3 The Growth Trajectory Plots Map
        3.3.4 The Moving Min-max Graph
        3.3.5 Moving Window Correlation Map
        3.3.6 Interview
    3.4 Data-collecting Procedure
    3.5 Data Analysis Procedure
        3.5.1 Identifying the Hedges
        3.5.2 Classifying the Hedges
        3.5.3 Statistic Analyses
Chapter Four Research Results
    4.1 The Overall Developmental Characteristics of Chinese English Majors' Hedges Acquisition
        4.1.1 The Overall Developmental Characteristic of All Participants' Hedges
        4.1.2 Language Proficiency and Hedges Acquisition
    4.2 The Individual Developmental Characteristics of Chinese English Majors' Hedges Acquisition
        4.2.1 The Individual Developmental Characteristics of Hedges Frequency
        4.2.2 The Individual Developmental Characteristics of Hedges Category
        4.2.3 Summary
    4.3 The Moving Correlations between Hedges Frequency and Hedges Category
Chapter Five Discussions
    5.1 Discussions on the Overall Developmental Characteristics of Chinese English Majors' Hedges Acquisition
        5.1.1 Discussions on the Overall Developmental Characteristics of HedgesAcquisition for All Participants
        5.1.2 Discussions on the Overall Developmental Characteristics of HedgesAcquisition for Participants of Different Language Proficiencies
    5.2 Discussions on the Individual Developmental Characteristics of Chinese English Majors' Hedges Acquisition
        5.2.1 Discussions on the Individual Developmental Characteristics of HedgesFrequency
        5.2.2 Discussions on the Individual Developmental Characteristics of HedgesCategory
    5.3 Discussions on the Moving Correlations between Hedges Frequency and HedgesCategory
    5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major Findings of the Study
    6.2 Pedagogical Implications
    6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study
Appendix Ⅰ Varttala's List of Hedges
Appendix Ⅱ The Moving Min-max Graphs of the Developmental Patterns of the other 15 Participants'Hedges Frequency(window size of3 data points)
Appendix Ⅲ The Moving Min-max Graphs of the Developmental Patterns of the other 15 Participants' Hedges Category(window size of 3 data points)
Appendix Ⅳ Writing Samples
Appendix Ⅴ Contents of Interview
Academic Achievements




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