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发布时间:2014-09-04 20:20

3. Theoretical Foundation .........  19
3.1 Kirkpatrick's Fimctional Theory of Language ........ 19
3.2 Kachru's Functional Theory of English Varieties  ........20
4. The Intranational Functions of English Used in Chin ........ 22
4.1 Instrumental Functions   ........ 22
4.1,1 English Used as a Instructional Medium ........ 23
4.1.2 English Used as a Tool in Other Fields ........ 27
4.2 Regulatory Rmction  ........35
4.3 Interpersonal Function ........ 39
4.3.1 English Used in Oral Communications  ........40
4.3.2 English Used in Written Communications ........ 44
4.4 Imaginative/Innovative Functions ........ 45
4.4.1 English Used in Literary Works  ........46
4.4.2 English Used in Songs and Films ........ 48
5. Conclusion ........ 54
5.1 The Result of the Study ........ 54
5.2 The Implications of the Study ........ 55
5.3 Limitations of the Study ........ 57

Chapter 4 The Intranational Functions of English Used in China

English has slowly gone through the process of localization and embedded inChinese typical cultural context. It is diffiisely used in China to express the social andcultural reality in Chinese cultural context and it's just the pragmatic or functional aspectsof CE that distinguish it from other Englishes. This chapter attempts to present anoverview of the extensive use of English in Chinese cultural context. It is just theapproaching functions that make English capable of proving the legitimacy and thepossibility of the institutionalization of CE.According to the functions of English varieties defined by Kachru, the author focuseson the following four functions of English used in China: instrumoital function, regulativefunction, interpersonal function, and imaginative/innovative fiinction. In the followingfour sections the author shall elaborate on these four fiinctions by presenting extensivedata in daily life so as to illustrate the uses of Englishes in the four broad functions.



As early as in 1980,Bloomfield said that "English is going to be the secondlanguage choice in China,after Mandarin" (Pride & Liu 1988,p. 49). This prediction wasbased on the quick spread of English in China after the open-door policy and theeconomic reform carried out throughout China. Twenty years later, The Journal ofForeign Languages Teaching and Research (2001:1) predicted that "English will mostprobably be the second language of many Chinese people in the 21 cmtury". Those twopredictions imply that the status of CE is rising and it may become a second languagesome day in China. And by evaluating the status of CE in China according to Kachru'sfour functions of English used as a second language, we have a much clearer picture.The present study of the intranational application of English in China is adequatelyto argue the four functional benefits English provides to its Chinese users. English usedin China tends to be established and will be expanded although the universality ofEnglish is lower than that of institutionalized English varieties in the Outer Circle. It isevident that the intranational use of English will continue to develop in China since thespeakers of English are towards becoming more, not less. Kachru (as quoted by Li, 2006)holds that there are three variables determining an English variety's institutionalization.
Reference (omitted)




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