本文选题:电视工作者 切入点:联合出品 出处:《中国电视》2016年01期
[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the new century, anti-Japanese dramas have sprung up in large numbers and achieved good results. But generally speaking, at present, there are "three more than three few" in the performance of the drama, that is, there are more wars in the front line and less support in the rear. The number of individual heroic deeds is more than that of the collective group; and the stories of the Han nationality in the Central Plains are more than those of the ethnic minorities. Therefore, the theme of the unity and cooperation among the nationalities in the rear areas of the War of Resistance against Japan is concerned with the unity of the war of resistance. TV workers are still needed to dig deep into the principles of respecting historical reality and adhering to the principles of artistic quality. The TV series < 24, produced jointly by CCTV, the propaganda Department of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and the people's Government of Qianxi Prefecture, etc.
【作者单位】: 贵州财经大学文化与传播学院;
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