发布时间:2018-06-13 04:45
本文选题:物联网 + 商业模式 ; 参考:《北京邮电大学》2011年博士论文
【摘要】:2005年国际电信联盟正式确认了物联网的概念,而在2008年全球金融危机之后,物联网以其技术领先广泛的行业覆盖以及智能化和统一化信息服务的理念,迅速被世界各国看做是摆脱金融危机影响、促进经济复苏的重要驱动力量。物联网被认为是继互联网之后,下一个改变人类生活形态的重大产业革命,其技术将会发展成为-个上万亿美元规模的高科技市场,其产业要比互联网大30倍。 尽管物联网的发展得到了广泛的看好,但从当前市场规模发展情况看,其市场规模与相关机构的预测还是有较大的差距,尽管全球范围内的政府和企业对于物联网进行了大量的投入,但目前看来,物联网的市场应用还只是处在初级阶段,其主要的问题是缺乏适应市场需求的商业模式,缺少有良好反馈的行业应用。其根本原因还是对于物联网应用的特性挖掘不足,过于强调行业内部个体竞争和传统的商业盈利,对于其公共产品和公益性服务的本质挖掘不足,相关公共事业机构的作用体现也不够明显。 本文在上述背景和相关研究的基础上,通过分析主要得出以下的一些结论内容: 1.首先是对物联网的定义进一步优化:在传统物联网概念的基础上,强调物联网是通过射频识别、红外感应器、全球定位系统、激光扫描器等信息传感设备,基于社会、经济领域的实际管理和应用需求,按约定的相关协议,把需要联网的物品与网络连接起来,进行信息交换和通讯,以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。通过RF工D为代表的智能感知识别,电信网、互联网和广电网为代表的通信网络以及云计算等智能运算平台的相关技术设备,将区域内的所有物体连入到统一的全球网络当中,使得其可以进行信息流、物流、资金流和价值流的传递,共享和相关数据存储,进而对网络中的每一个节点进行智能感知识别、定位、监测、管理和操控。 2.在商业模式的概念体系上,本文认为商业模式是在一定的外部政策、技术、市场需求环境下,在不同发展阶段所体现出一种系统体系,体系中的主要内容包括各个主体在系统当中的定位,主体自身的价值活动(产品、服务、渠道策略、商业活动等),各个主体之间的关系以及其中价值流、资金流、信息流和物流的作用情况。通过商业生态系统的概念完善了商业模式的整体系统体系,并以各种流的作用情况来反映商业模式的整体运行机制。 3.根据物联网的和商业模式的概念研究,本研究对于物联网商业模式的各个组成环节进行了比较详尽的分析,首先是强调了之前常被忽视的外部环境影响内容,认为政策法规、技术发展和市场需求的挖掘是其主要的外部影响体现,而在内部系统的组成上,系统的个体类型、价值模式、收入和盈利模式、竞合关系以及营销模式是主要的组成部分,而上述所有这些内容也都可以通过物流、资金流、信息流和价值流来完整的呈现。 4.根据物联网商业模式的组成内容,本文以物流、资金流、信息流和价值流的内容形成了一个物联网商业模式关键成功因素的指标体系,通过对于大样本分群体的调研,得到了以下的一些调研结论: (1)从信度分析的结果来看,删除了产品软件价格和扩展应用价格两个指标后,整个调研的信度水平有所提升。最终将指标体系的数量控制在四大类42个指标。 (2)通过均值分析的结果,可以得出影响程度较大的指标是传感器性能和芯片性能、政府支出、企业收入、产品硬件价格、资费数额、广告投入、广告收入和投融资数额、统一编码、网络速度、网络容量和信息安全性、状态实时性、实地性、应用便捷性、应用便利性、公共事业设施、公益服务性、监管与整合能力以及社会福利性上。总体看来,价值流部分指标的关注度要大于其他类指标,其重点主要体现在物流网的几个重点应用领域上,另外一个重点价值体现在于物联网服务的公益性特征上。分群体均值的分析结果,除了体现出各类群体的相关利益趋向之外,还能够反映出群体对于政策优惠以及有效监管的需求来。 (3)从因子分析的结果看,可以将整体指标体系的影响划归为内部性能、外在表现、内部资金流、外部资金流、网络特性指标、信息特性指标、公益性指标、应用性指标和扩展性指标几个大类,其中公益性指标、网络特性指标、信息特性指标和外部资金流指标的关注程度较高。 (4)从假设检验的结果看,四大类指标的总体检验都为显著,说明用户群体的差异对于商业模式几个组成部分的效应体现存在显著差异。而从具体的指标来看,影响比较显著的指标主要体现在内部性能、企业外部资金流、公益性和应用性方面的指标上。 (5)关键成功因素的最终体现主要有公共物品特性,即与经典理论当中公共物品所具有的相关特征的契合以及公益性服务的典型特征体现;同时,物联网的发展需要政府投入、广告投入和投融资资金的扶持,以及硬件模块投入、泛在化网络环境建设和信息资源统一规划上。 根据调研的分析,本文深入挖掘了物联网公共产品特性的体现,认为物联网在技术上拥有较强的前瞻性和行业适用性,是未来可以大幅度占领生产生活的产业类型。而通过对其应用类型的分类分析,可以挖掘其未来的行业发展可以占据几乎全部常见的民生需求类型,因此该行业与传统的电信类行业相比,在民生上的作用会体现的更加明显和全面,有更好的受众范围和空间,有潜力作为一种公共服务的模式,为用户提供全面和高效的智能化公共化服务。而通过一定周期的基础设施建设、技术发展和市场应用覆盖,可以使得物联网的服务在公共服务和其他商用领域的拓展上更为便利,更易为用户所接受。 5.在物联网商业模式的设计当中,主要形成了以下的一些结论和研究成果: (1)当前物联网商业模式的主要模式是运营商和系统集成商主导的模式,服务类型主要体现为电信类的单个业务商用和定制类服务,其主要问题体现在缺乏统一的规划和技术标准体系,行业应用分散,同时缺少对于市场用户需求的有效发掘。 (2)在物联网商业模式的发展阶段规划上,应该以公共事业的应用为切入点,以政府作为主要的先期推动力量,分别以市场规模的形成和技术市场应用体系的最终完善为标志,进行发展的阶段划分。 (3)物联网商业模式初期的模式主要以公共应用为主,包括公共事业运营、公共平台租赁运营、客户自建移动支付模式和平台免费开放模式。成熟期在继承先期核心应用的基础上,逐渐导入其他类型的市场主体,显现出更多的市场竞争特征,包括系统集成商主导型、运营商单一主导性、双主体运营商推广型、运营商独立开发独立推广型和客户全部自建型。在发展的高级阶段——融合阶段,合作将成为主要的市场关系模式,通过政府、集成商等实力较强个体的资源聚集和统一导向,形成不同类型的服务应用集成平台,通过聚集各类优势资源形成更为完善和广泛的服务范围,最终提供更高质量的服务。主要的模式类型包括,软硬件集成商主导模式、软件内容集成商主导模式、云计算平台模式和云聚合模式。 6.在以上分析的基础上,本研究提出了如下的发展策略建议: (1)政策建议方面,首先是强调物联网应该作为提升国家信息化应用水平,打破信息壁垒的国家战略层面规划,而相关政府部门应该加强行业的先期建设投入,并提升已有应用领域的行业监管水平;同时加强总体技术研发、网络基础环境和安全体系的建设;通过高校专业设置和国际交流等方式,加强物联网行业的人才培养。 (2)市场推广方面,首先强调对于市场需求的重点覆盖领域,可以包括信息化转型、身份唯一性识别、智能环保化、安全性和节约性、产业的有效带动以及在交通、安全、医疗、教育、社会保障等方面的民生需求;通过资源互补、价值活动和资源交换的方式实现价值的创造和分配;在收入来源上,除了常规的业务资费、广告收入、投融资之外,还提出了减少政府安全、城市管理和人员管理成本,业务转移的增加收入方式;从盈利模式上看,除了传统的资费利润外,还结合收入方式的内容,提出了免费、极低资费、阶梯化服务、管理成本缩减和投入反向杠杆效应以及管理主体的有偿转让等盈利方式;通过博弈论的分析强调了在具体的应用过程中,个体间合作的重要性,并提出了聚合品牌营销、身份营销、环保营销、位置服务营销和个性化偏好营销等营销方式。
[Abstract]:In 2005, the International Telecommunication Union formally confirmed the concept of the Internet of things. After the global financial crisis in 2008, the Internet of things, with its wide technology leading industry coverage, and the concept of intelligent and unified information services, was quickly regarded by the world as an important driving force to get rid of the impact of the financial crisis and promote economic recovery. After the Internet, the next major industrial revolution to change the form of human life, its technology will develop into a trillion dollar high tech market, which is 30 times larger than the Internet.
Although the development of the Internet of things has been widely appreciated, the market scale has a large gap with the related institutions from the current market scale development. Although the global government and enterprises have carried out a large amount of investment in the Internet of things, it seems that the market application of the Internet of things is still at the primary stage. The main problem is the lack of business models adapted to market demand, and the lack of good feedback in industry applications. The fundamental reason is that the underlying reasons are inadequate mining of the characteristics of the Internet of things, too much emphasis on the individual competition within the industry and the traditional business profit, the lack of the nature of its public products and public service, and the related public. The role of the institution is not obvious enough.
Based on the above background and related research, the following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis.
1. first, the definition of the Internet of things is further optimized: on the basis of the concept of the traditional Internet of things, the Internet of things emphasizes the information sensing equipment, such as radio frequency identification, infrared sensors, global positioning systems, laser scanners and other information sensing devices, based on the actual management and needs of the social, economic fields, and the agreed related agreements, to connect the things to be connected. A network of intelligent recognition, positioning, tracking, monitoring, and management for intelligent recognition, positioning, tracking, monitoring and management. Through the RF industry D, the related technical equipment of intelligent perception recognition, telecommunication network, Internet and radio network as the representative communication network and intelligent computing platform such as cloud computing. Objects are connected to a unified global network, making it possible to carry out information flow, logistics, capital flow and value flow transmission, share and related data storage, and then carry out intelligent perception recognition, positioning, monitoring, management and manipulation of each node in the network.
2. in the conceptual system of the business model, this article holds that the business model is a system system in the different development stages of a certain external policy, technology and market demand. The main contents of the system include the positioning of each subject in the system, and the value activities of the main body (product, service, channel strategy, business). The relationship between various subjects and the role of value flow, capital flow, information flow and logistics. The whole system system of business model is perfected through the concept of commercial ecosystem, and the overall transportation mechanism of business model is reflected by the action of various streams.
3. according to the concept of the Internet of things and the concept of business model, this study makes a detailed analysis of the various components of the business model of the Internet of things. First, it emphasizes the external environmental impact content which is often ignored. It is considered that the policies and regulations, the development of Technology and the mining of the market demand are the main external effects, and that The composition of the internal system, the individual type of the system, the value model, the income and profit model, the competing relationship and the marketing model are the main components, and all of the above can also be completely presented through logistics, capital flow, information flow and value flow.
4. according to the composition of the business model of the Internet of things, this paper forms an index system for the key success factors of the business model of the Internet of things with the contents of logistics, capital flow, information flow and value flow.
(1) from the results of the reliability analysis, after deleting the product software price and expanding the price of the application price, the reliability level of the whole survey has been improved. Finally, the quantity of the index system is controlled in 42 indexes of four categories.
(2) through the result of mean analysis, it can be found that the indexes with greater influence are sensor performance and chip performance, government expenditure, enterprise income, product hardware price, amount of tariff, advertising input, advertising revenue and investment and financing amount, unified coding, network speed, network capacity and information security, real time, field and application. Agility, convenience, utility, public service, public service, supervision and integration and social welfare. In general, the value flow part of the index is more concerned than other indicators. The focus is mainly on the key application fields of the logistics network, and the other key value is the public welfare of the Internet of things service. On the character of sex, the results of the analysis of the mean group mean, in addition to the trend of the related interests of various groups, can also reflect the demand for preferential policy and effective supervision of the group.
(3) from the result of factor analysis, the impact of the overall index system can be classified as internal performance, external performance, internal capital flow, external capital flow, network characteristic index, information characteristic index, public welfare index, application index and expansibility index, among which public welfare index, network characteristic index, information characteristic index and external index The index of the Ministry of capital flows has a high degree of concern.
(4) from the results of the hypothesis test, the overall test of the four major indicators is significant, indicating that the differences in the user groups have significant differences in the effects of several components of the business model. From the specific indicators, the significant indicators mainly reflect the internal performance, the external capital flow, the public welfare and the application of the enterprise. On the aspect of the index.
(5) the ultimate embodiment of the key success factors mainly includes the characteristics of public goods, that is, the characteristics of the public goods in the classical theory and the typical characteristics of the public service. At the same time, the development of the Internet of things needs government input, the support of advertising and investment funds, and the input of hardware modules, and the ubiquitous network. The construction of the collaterals and the unified planning of information resources.
According to the analysis of the research, this paper deeply excavates the embodiment of the characteristics of the Internet of things public products. It holds that the Internet of things has a strong forward-looking and industrial applicability in technology. It is an industry type that can occupy a large scale in the future. And through the classification and analysis of its application types, the future industry development can be excavated. Almost all the common needs of the people's livelihood, so the industry and the traditional telecommunications industry, compared to the people's livelihood, the role of the people will be more obvious and comprehensive, have a better audience scope and space, have the potential as a public service model, to provide users with comprehensive and efficient and intelligent public service. The infrastructure construction, technology development and market application coverage can make the Internet of things service more convenient in the development of public services and other commercial fields, and more easily accepted by users.
5. in the design of the Internet of things business model, the following conclusions and achievements have been formed.
(1) the main mode of the current business model of the Internet of things is the mode dominated by the operators and the system integrators, and the service types are mainly embodied in the single business and custom service of the telecom class. The main problems are the lack of unified planning and technical standard system, the industry should be dispersed and the demand for the market users is not effective. Explore.
(2) in the development stage planning of the Internet of things business model, the application of public utilities should be taken as the breakthrough point, with the government as the main driving force, and the stage division of the development stage is marked by the formation of the market scale and the final perfection of the technology market application system.
(3) the initial model of the Internet of things business model is mainly based on public application, including public service operation, public platform leasing operation, customers' self built mobile payment model and platform free open mode. On the basis of inheriting the core application of the first phase, the mature period gradually introduces other types of market subjects and shows more market competition. In the advanced stage of development, the cooperation will become the main model of market relations, and the resources of strong individuals such as the government and the integrators are gathered and unified. One direction is to form different types of service application integration platform, and to form a more perfect and extensive service range by gathering all kinds of advantage resources, and ultimately provide higher quality services. The main pattern types include the dominant mode of hardware and software integrators, the dominant mode of the software content integrator, the cloud computing platform model and the cloud aggregation model.
6. on the basis of the above analysis, the study puts forward the following development strategy recommendations:
(1) the policy recommendations, first of all, is to emphasize that the Internet of things should be a national strategic level plan to improve the application level of national information and break the information barrier, while the relevant government departments should strengthen the investment in the industry, and enhance the level of industry supervision in the existing application fields, and strengthen the overall technology research and development and the network basic environment. And the construction of the safety system, and strengthen the personnel training of the Internet of things industry through the way of professional setup and international exchange.
(2) in the field of marketing, first of all, emphasis is placed on the key coverage of market demand, which can include information transformation, identity identification, intelligent environmental protection, security and conservation, the effective drive of the industry, and the needs of the people's livelihood in transportation, safety, medical care, education, social protection and so on; through complementary resources, value activities and resources The way of exchange is to create and distribute value; in addition to the income source, besides the conventional business, advertising, and investment, it also puts forward a way to reduce the government's security, the cost of urban management and personnel management, and the increase in the income of the business. It puts forward the profit ways of free, extremely low fee, ladder service, management cost reduction, reverse leverage effect and compensation transfer of management subject. Through the analysis of game theory, it emphasizes the importance of the cooperation among individuals in the specific application process, and puts forward the aggregation brand marketing, identity marketing, environmental marketing, Location service marketing and personalized preference marketing.
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