[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, outdoor advertising has become one of the key elements of the city image, which, together with urban architecture, landscape, city appearance and facilities, constitutes the image and quality of the city. At present, the research on outdoor advertising planning in China needs to form a system, especially in the face of the rapid development of cities, many outdoor advertising placement and visual effects have had some negative impact on the city. Therefore, we urgently need to put forward the creative theory of urban outdoor advertising planning and design under the new background. Starting with the relationship between outdoor advertising and city, this paper puts forward the concept of "city brand business card", and under this background, explores the urban significance of outdoor advertising, and puts forward the new principles of urban outdoor advertising planning. Solve outdoor advertising planning control and management process issues. According to the present situation of setting up outdoor advertisement in cities in China, this paper summarizes the planning technology of urban outdoor advertisement, and puts forward the design methods and suggestions of new technology-plane density, space capacity and spatial intensity. Finally, the design concept and technique of outdoor advertising architecture technology and construction technology are summarized and analyzed. From the level of planning to the level of architectural design, this paper forms a set of specific design theory that can meet the requirements of urban outdoor advertising planning and development, and provides scientific basis for urban planning and design of outdoor advertising in other contemporary cities.
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