[Abstract]:By analyzing the relationship between urban outdoor media and regional culture, using the methods of field investigation and theoretical analysis, this paper analyzes the present situation and root causes of urban outdoor media in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, and puts forward a modern society with developed commodity economy. Outdoor media has almost become an important factor of contemporary urban culture and a bridge to spread regional culture. With the arrival of the network era, the continuous development of new media and new technology, the urban outdoor media in the cross-cultural background are constantly converging, through strengthening the cultural tension in the outdoor media design. The paper tries to solve the problem that this ancient form of media plays a greater potential value in disseminating commodity information and seeking a new way out in the process of counteracting the competition of new media. This paper investigates and studies the urban outdoor media in Xinjiang with Urumqi as the center and puts forward the corresponding suggestions: to improve and enhance the communication and cognitive level of the outdoor media in Xinjiang and to better transmit the unique charm of the humanities and natural landscape in Xinjiang; Strengthening the quality consciousness and personality consciousness of outdoor media design, emphasizing the hyperplane design of outdoor media advertisement under the background of modern urban culture, and involving hyperplane consciousness into urban space and urban landscape, The cultural connotation of urban outdoor media design should be reflected by the requirements of landscape design, and the urban outdoor media design should be planned according to the different urban culture, and the cultural cognition ability of outdoor media design should be strengthened. The design environment of the large-scale hyperplane advertisement in the urban landscape should take the railway station and airport as the main application environment with the city entrance or the traffic base as the center, and play the first feeling function of the external propaganda. As a form of spreading culture, outdoor media inevitably reflects the cultural development, aesthetic taste, value concept and economic situation of a region in different periods. The cognitive function of regional culture in outdoor media is very important. The regional culture is concentrated in the urban culture of the region, and the cultural differences are strengthened by human activities. Urban outdoor media is an important platform and carrier for regional cultural cognition. Xinjiang is rich in cultural resources, and its cultural characteristics are unique at home and abroad. To do a good job of urban outdoor media design based on the principle of regional cultural cognition can not only provide a long-term propaganda role for Xinjiang, And to a city's regional culture, city image plays a strengthening role, enhance the city's popularity.
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