[Abstract]:In an increasingly competitive market environment, industries with the core goal of maximizing market share and sales, In their respective marketing strategies, art marketing is increasing the proportion and frequency of art marketing in the overall marketing strategy in various ways. In the process of combining business and art, art brings value to brands that can not be realized by conventional advertising and promotional activities, which makes the consumer goods industry, especially luxury goods and cars, favor art marketing. But how does commercial brand and art merge in the combination of natural contradiction and reality and play an effective role in influencing the audience? What is the relationship between brand value and the selection of artistic forms? What are the core elements of implementing an effective art marketing campaign? This article will carry on the brand marketing case from the brand marketing goal and the essential factor through the international well-known automobile brand to carry on the brand marketing case with the art union in the Chinese native place, The theory of consumer psychology and the social function of luxury goods analyzes and discusses the motivation of the combination of art and commerce, the interaction between the two sides, the different choice of art marketing form and purpose by different brands. For the impact of the target audience and the multiple effects of commercial promotion, we hope to find the answers to the above questions, and to provide reference for the domestic independent brand car in the exploration of the combination of art and marketing.
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