[Abstract]:The media industry in Jiangxi is also developing rapidly with the speed of first-tier cities. More and more businesses have discovered the huge commercial value of mobile media and mobile media. This paper begins with the basic content of the media and introduces the research into the mobile media through some basic theories of media and advertising marketing. Based on the analysis of the establishment, development and operation of DG Corporation, this paper studies the possibility of mobile media development in Jiangxi Province, and makes a series of plans and strategies for the continued development of DG Company. Finally, the article analyzes the strategy and product design of DG company's products in Jiangxi market, and finally draws the following conclusions: first, the new media, mobile media has been gradually accepted by the society. Mobile advertising in Jiangxi is also gradually favored by enterprises, through the deep mining of databases, mobile phone advertising can only appear in front of interested potential customers. Therefore, as a new advertising form, mobile advertising has the advantages of accurate target, true information and high information arrival rate. Second, the cooperation between DG company and newspaper MMS magazine has a more optimistic prospect. At present, Jiangxi enterprises are slowly producing their own cognition of MMS magazine, and the cooperation between DG company and newspaper can be carried on continuously. Third, DG will adopt the cooperation mode of advertising agency to operate MMS magazine at the beginning of the year. In Nanchang, it will adopt the means of sub-industry agent, and decide to select the target market in the fields of real estate, automobile and education. Other regions in Jiangxi will adopt the method of regional agency, but in the past year, they will not consider and concentrate their resources to break through the Nanchang market.
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