[Abstract]:Since China opened to the outside world in 1978, especially since China joined the WTO in 2001, more and more foreign investors have come to China to invest, and a large number of foreign businessmen have come to China to look for business opportunities. At the same time, Chinese businessmen are also actively learning from abroad. In order to better communicate and cooperate with foreign partners, the translation of company profiles becomes more and more important. In the 20th century, functional equivalence theory was well known by Chinese scholars and widely used in literary genres and translation studies. In addition, the application of this theory to the translation of corporate documents is also relatively more research. This report is based on the author's experience as a compiler at the National Center for Colloidal Materials Engineering and Technology. The document aims to provide potential clients and foreign partners with a better understanding of the research center. According to the functional equivalence theory, the author introduces the translation practice in five chapters, first introduces the background and task description of the translation practice, and then introduces the translation theory used in the translation process. Finally, the author summarizes the experience of this practice and puts forward some suggestions for further study. The author hopes that this translation will contribute to the further development of the research center and that this translation report will be helpful and enlightening to other translators in translating such materials. In a word, this practice has greatly benefited the author and greatly improved the use of words and sentences.
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