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发布时间:2018-08-17 10:45
【摘要】:借词的研究始终是语言学的重要研究课题。20世纪以来国内外学者对于借词的研究,许多方面已取得了丰硕的成果,如在语言接触的理论框架下,对于英汉借词的研究已经颇为成熟和深入,中西方学者均有较多论述;对于借词接触产生阶段和吸收同化阶段的研究关注度较高,从文化、社会和语言学角度均有力作出现;对于英语中借词的研究多为历时的研究,集中于借词借入的时间和因素、音位等语音要素;对于汉语借词则从中国传统文化出发,考察借词的借用和翻译方式者居多;从语言文字的不同和社会文化心理等方面对英汉借词进行对比的研究近些年来也越来越多,论述也较为深入。这些都为我们提供了许多有价值的借鉴。 但是,这些研究中仍有一些薄弱环节,,关于这一课题还有许多具有争议和值得探讨的问题。对于英汉语外来词的研究基本上都只局限于对其结构、来源和意义进行描述,大多数是以文化语言学分析和社会语言学分析为主。单纯地罗列出借用词汇的途径、列举借词的米源,而不去揭示产生借词和借词意义变化的实质原因,并不符合现代语言学的解释原则。英汉语借词研究中存在的不足主要表现在如下儿方面:1)对借词语义及其演变机制的研究明显不足。对于借词进入目标语后语义的形成及语义的发展,关注度明显不够。2)多共时静态研究,动态研究关注不够。借词作为“异质成分”,在取得目标语词汇的资格后,需要在音、义、形等各方面进行重新“匹配”、改造同化,这一过程是一个动态发展的过程,需要对借词进行动态观测和考量;3)对比研究不足,尤其是认知框架下的英汉借词的对比研究,尽管已有学者开始着手研究,但都处于起步和摸索阶段,且大多数是针对英语或汉语的单语性研究。借词在英汉两个目标语中各个阶段的认知模式所产生的借词变化对比研究未见。 本研究以认知语言学理论为指导,以20世纪后半期英语和汉语中出现且具有相当生命力的借词为研究对象,采用归纳与演绎相结合、定性研究为主的跨学科综合实证研究方法,立足英汉语言事实,选取真实语料,研究借词和人的认知之间的内在联系,对英汉借词词义现象做出比较合理和全面解释,阐释了借词意义形成的内在机制并对比英汉借词词义在产生、同化和融合的动态过程中,认知机制、民族认知心理和认知模式对词义制约作用的共性与差异,深化对语言规律和人的思维规律的认识。本研究主要取得以下发现: 第一,本研究的理论发现体现于: 1)借词是人类多次认知加工的产物,在不同的认知语境下,人们根据认知体验,结合认知模式与百科知识,对借词语义进行多次认知加工。同时,借词意义具有认知凸显性和理据性,其意义构建凸显了文化与认知理据。新的借词范畴最初总是产生于个体的认知活动,之后便是民族和社会成员整体对外来概念进行范畴化的过程,这需要一个社会的整体成员利用共性认识所形成特定的概念系统,作为人们已有的经验,以语言的形式储存在人的大脑中。认知活动,通常以其所在社会规约性的经验认识作为坐标和参照,利用已有的认知经验,与新获得的信息相互作用,形成新概念和概念结构。在此过程中,人们的认知选择如感知选择、心理频率的选择、心理图式的选择以及对外来词汇中义项的选择,起到关键性作用。 2)借词是一个范畴连续体,词义的变化实际上是词义范畴的嬗变,包括原型范畴的嬗变、特设范畴的建构以及新旧范畴之间的互动。词义范畴嬗变的机制是非范畴化。借词构筑过程是相互关联的认知过程,有着共同的认知机制,都体现了人的隐喻、转喻和类推思维。这些认知机制是潜意识的普遍的认知活动,是在常规化或凝固化的概念结构上进行的多轮的认知操作。借词的范畴化与非范畴化符合“语言经济原理”。借词的范畴嬗变就是启动认知行为,激活人们头脑中的百科知识和社会文化模式,借助上下文填充相关信息,并决定着最终的语义通道。 第二,英汉语借词的范畴化与非范畴化过程具有显著的认知共性。研究结果符合认知语言学提出的“人的心智不是分离的、自治的,而是与人的身体的其他机能一样,对所有的人都是大致相同的,都会促成和限定潜在的经验。抽象概念和想象世界归根到底是根植于现实世界的身体经验,所以人的心智的产品,即使是在不同的文化环境中,在某种程度上都是相称的、相通的”理论。 第三、在具有显著认知共性的同时,英语和汉语借词范畴的动态变迁过程中也分别具有鲜明的文化个性。英语语言和文化对汉语语言和文化的渗透和影响要远远大于汉语语言和文化对英语语言和文化的渗透和影响。英汉民族对于外来借词的范畴化过程也体现了不同的惯性化思维与凸显优化思维,两个民族不同的地理位置,社会历史及民族认知心理造就了不同的思维方式。 第四、借词范畴化的普遍认知机制和认识论启示。在前人研究的基础上,本研究对英汉借词的普遍认知机制进行了深入的探讨。研究首次提出,借词是复杂的语言现象,并非由单一的心理机制所能够解释,在范畴化的不同阶段由不同的认知机制起主导作用。借词的认知机制作用揭示了联想与激活的相似性的体验本质(embodied nature),有助于我们更好地理解感知与概念、经验与知识的关系,具有重要的认识论启示。 本研究在吸收和借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,有以下儿点创新:(1)首次对20世纪后半期以来的英语和汉语借词语料进行大规模的、系统的整理和分析,并自建语料库;(2)首次在认知语言学的框架下对英汉借词进行对比研究,对于探求借词认知模式的共性与个性具有重要的意义;(3)同时对借词现象进行综合多维度对比阐释和探索。本研究从英汉语借词的角度对人类认知方式的共性和个性做出了进一步的探索,以及不同文化对语言和认知的具体影响,对丰富和发展英汉语词汇学研究具有一定的理论和实践意义。与此同时,研究对于翻译、词汇教学和词典编纂也将具有一定的应用价值。
[Abstract]:The study of loanwords has always been an important topic in linguistics. Since the 20th century, scholars at home and abroad have made fruitful achievements in many aspects. For example, in the framework of the theory of language contact, the study of Loanwords in English and Chinese has become mature and in-depth, and both Chinese and Western scholars have made more discussions on the emergence of loanwords contact. The stage and assimilation stage are of high concern, which can be seen from the cultural, social and linguistic perspectives; the study of Loanwords in English is mostly diachronic, focusing on the time and factors of loanwords borrowing, phonemes and other phonetic elements; and the study of Chinese loanwords is based on Chinese traditional culture, examining the borrowing and inversion of loanwords. In recent years, more and more studies have been done on the comparison of English and Chinese loanwords from the perspectives of different languages, social and cultural psychology and so on.
However, there are still some weak links in these studies, and there are still many controversial and worth discussing. The study of Loanwords in English and Chinese is basically confined to describing their structure, origin and meaning. Most of them are mainly based on cultural linguistic analysis and sociolinguistic analysis. It is inconsistent with the principles of modern linguistics to enumerate the sources of borrowed words without revealing the real causes of the changes in their meanings. The formation of semantics and the development of semantics after the target language have not been paid enough attention to. 2) Multi-synchronous static research and dynamic research have not been paid enough attention to. It is necessary to dynamically observe and consider loanwords; 3) The comparative study is insufficient, especially the comparative study of English and Chinese loanwords under the cognitive framework. Although scholars have begun to study them, they are still at the initial stage and groping stage, and most of them are aimed at the study of English or Chinese monolingualism. A comparative study of loanwords produced by knowledge patterns has not been done.
Guided by the theory of cognitive linguistics, this study takes loanwords which appeared in the second half of the 20th century in both English and Chinese as the research object and adopts the method of induction and deduction, qualitative research as the main method of cross-disciplinary comprehensive empirical research. This paper makes a reasonable and comprehensive explanation of the phenomena of loanwords'meanings in English and Chinese, explains the internal mechanism of the formation of loanwords' meanings, and compares the similarities and differences of the restrictive effects of cognitive mechanism, national cognitive psychology and cognitive model on the meaning of Loanwords in the dynamic process of their generation, assimilation and fusion, and deepens the laws of language. The main findings of this study are as follows:
First, the theoretical findings of this study are reflected in:
1) Loanwords are the product of many cognitive processes of human beings. In different cognitive contexts, people process the meaning of loanwords according to their cognitive experience, combined with cognitive models and Encyclopedia knowledge. Meanwhile, the meaning of loanwords has cognitive prominence and motivation, and its meaning construction highlights cultural and cognitive motivation. Cognitive activity is the process of categorizing foreign concepts by the whole nation and the whole society. It requires the whole society to form a specific conceptual system by using the common knowledge. As people's experience, cognitive activity is stored in the human brain in the form of language. In this process, people's cognitive choices such as perceptual choices, psychological frequency choices, psychological schema choices and the choice of meanings in foreign words play a key role. Effect.
2) Loanwords are a category continuum. The change of word meaning is actually the change of word meaning category, including the change of prototype category, the construction of ad hoc category and the interaction between new and old categories. Human metaphor, metonymy and analogical thinking. These cognitive mechanisms are the universal cognitive activities of the subconscious, and are the multiple rounds of cognitive manipulation on the conceptual structure of conventionalization or solidification. Encyclopedia knowledge and sociocultural patterns, with the help of context to fill in relevant information, and determine the final semantic channel.
Second, the categorization and non-categorization of Loanwords in both English and Chinese have significant cognitive commonalities. The findings are in line with the cognitive linguistic view that "the human mind is not separate and autonomous, but is similar to the other functions of the human body, and is generally the same to all human beings, contributing to and limiting the potential experience. Imagination is ultimately rooted in physical experience in the real world, so the products of the human mind, even in different cultural settings, are to some extent compatible and interlinked "theories.
Thirdly, while there are obvious cognitive commonalities, the dynamic changes in the categories of English and Chinese loanwords also have distinct cultural individualities. The penetration and influence of English language and culture on Chinese language and culture is far greater than that of Chinese language and culture on English language and culture. The categorization process of loanwords also reflects the different inertia thinking and highlights the optimization thinking. The different geographical position, social history and national cognitive psychology of the two nationalities have created different ways of thinking.
On the basis of previous studies, this study makes an in-depth study of the universal cognitive mechanism of Loanwords in both English and Chinese. The study first proposes that loanwords are complex linguistic phenomena, which can not be explained by a single psychological mechanism, and are recognized differently at different stages of categorization. The cognitive mechanism of loanwords reveals the embodied nature of association and activation, which helps us to better understand the relationship between perception and concept, experience and knowledge, and has important epistemological implications.
On the basis of absorbing and drawing lessons from predecessors'research results, this study has the following innovations: (1) the first large-scale, systematic collation and analysis of English and Chinese loanwords since the second half of the 20th century, and the establishment of a corpus; (2) the first contrastive study of English and Chinese loanwords in the framework of cognitive linguistics, with a view to exploring them This study explores the commonness and individuality of human cognitive styles from the perspective of Loanwords in English and Chinese, and the specific influence of different cultures on language and cognition, which will enrich and develop the phenomenon of loanwords. The study of English and Chinese lexicology is of certain theoretical and practical significance. At the same time, it will be of great value to translation, vocabulary teaching and dictionary compilation.


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