发布时间:2017-08-23 07:30
【摘要】:诺贝尔文学奖作为诺贝尔五类奖项之一,是被授予者个人,乃至一个国家与民族的荣耀。然而遗憾的是,诺贝尔演讲似乎并不像其他的言语形式那样引起语言学家以及一些学者的关注。近年来,部分学者对诺贝尔奖所涉及问题的探讨主要从以下角度进行研究:诺贝尔生理学或医学奖成因研究、诺贝尔奖获奖感言的语类分析、诺贝尔奖颁奖词的文体分析、或者从国际关系的角度探讨某一具体奖项,亦或对某一时期的诺贝尔奖进行综述等,但是对诺贝尔奖演讲的研究还比较少,尤其是少有人运用对话理论探讨诺贝尔演讲的魅力。本研究以莫言2012年诺贝尔演讲这一独白式对话体语篇为分析对象,以巴赫金对话理论为基础,对该演讲语篇的对话性进行较为详细的分析,并从对话理论的哲学视角探讨贯穿演讲中的人文主义精神。 本文由引言、正文(分为三章)和结论组成。 第一章为引言部分:简单介绍本文的研究背景和意义、本文的研究方法及结构,主要从四个方面展开。首先指出目前相关研究的不足之处;然后阐明本研究的意义和研究的创新之处;其次说明本文的研究问题和研究方法;最后陈述本文主题以及结构。 第二章为文献综述,首先对巴赫金和巴赫金学术圈进行简要介绍;其次由对话与独白引出对巴赫金对话理论的重点解读;接着,从发话者声音、受话者声音和潜对话关系的其它话语标记三个方面,对“独白式对话体语篇”进行详细描写;最后是对巴赫金对话思想研究的历史回顾以及国内外研究情况的综述,,为文章第三部分的论述作准备。 第三章详细分析莫言2012年诺贝尔奖演讲中的对话性,主要从大型对话和微型对话两个方面来探讨。具体来说,大型对话主要涉及作者与母亲的对话、作者与作品中主人公的对话、作者与其它故事的对话、作者与观众的对话、文本结构上的对位以及演讲未完成性的体现;而微型对话则是作者与自我,即“另一个自己”的对话。 第四章探讨莫言诺贝尔奖演讲中对话性思想折射出的人文精神。本章从语篇的整体出发,指出所有的故事都可以归结为作者对“人”的思考,回到作者“关注人性,关爱民生”这一主题上,了解民间疾苦,思索人的生存价值与道德智慧这一“人本主义”思想。 第五章为结论部分,从三个方面进行论述。首先,总结出对话性存在于该演讲的各个层面,并指出对演讲中对话性的充分理解是正确理解与吸收该演精华的关键。其次,对巴赫金对话理论的运用前景进行简要概括。最后,该部分也将提出该研究中可能存在的主要问题和不足,并为以后的研究提出一些建议。
【关键词】:巴赫金 对话 对话理论 人文主义思想
- Acknowledgements5-6
- 摘要6-8
- Abstract8-12
- Chapter One Introduction12-19
- 1.1 Background of the present study12-13
- 1.2 Significance and innovation of the thesis13-15
- 1.3 Questions and methodology of research15-16
- 1.4 Content and framework of the thesis16-19
- Chapter Two Literature Review19-50
- 2.1 Bakhtin and the Bakhtin Circle19-22
- 2.2 Philosophical basis of dialogism22-30
- 2.2.1 Dialogue: the nature of human’s existence24-28
- 2.2.2 Dialogue: the nature of language28-30
- 2.3 Dialogue, dialogism and monologism30-38
- 2.4 Monologic dialogic discourse38-44
- 2.4.1 The definition of monologic dialogic discourse38-41
- 2.4.2 The voice of the addresser41-42
- 2.4.3 The voice of the addressee42
- 2.4.4 The discourse markers of latent dialogism42-44
- 2.5 The historical development of Bakhtin’s dialogism44-46
- 2.6 The literature review related to the topic at home and abroad46-50
- Chapter Three Dialogic Analysis of Mo Yan’s Nobel Lecture50-78
- 3.1 Macro-dialogue50-70
- 3.1.1 The dialogue between the speaker and his mother52-56
- 3.1.2 The dialogue between the speaker and the characters in his works56-60
- The dialogue between the speaker and the boy in The Transparent Carrot and Dry River57
- The dialogue between the speaker and his aunt in Frogs57-58
- The dialogue between the speaker and the mother in Big Breasts and Wide Hips58
- The dialogue between the speaker and a real-life story-teller in The Garlic Ballad58-59
- The dialogue between the speaker and Lan Lian in Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out59-60
- 3.1.3 The dialogue between the speaker and other stories60-62
- The dialogue between the speaker and his teacher60
- The dialogue between the speaker and the older officer60
- The dialogue between the speaker the eight bricklayers60-62
- 3.1.4 The dialogue between the speaker and the audience62-63
- 3.1.5 The counterpoint of Lecture’s structure63-67
- The dialogue between the two lines64-66
- The dialogue between the structure and the theme66-67
- 3.1.6 The unfinalizability of the Lecture67-70
- 3.2 Micro-dialogue70-78
- 3.2.1 The dialogue between the author and the other71-78
- Chapter Four Humanism of Mo Yan’s Nobel Lecture78-96
- 4.1 Humanism—the essence of Bakhtin’s dialogism78-83
- 4.1.1 Emphasis of equality and independency79-83
- 4.2 Pursuit of democracy spirit83-87
- 4.3 Demonstration of humanism in the Lecture87-96
- Chapter Five Conclusion96-102
- 5.1 Major findings96-98
- 5.2 The prospect of dialogism application98-100
- 5.3 Limitations of the thesis and suggestions for further research100-102
- References102-107
- Appendixes107-129
- Appendix A107-116
- Appendix B116-129
- Publications129