本文选题:新型城镇化 切入点:公园绿地 出处:《苏州科技学院》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:New urbanization is the core strategy for China to build a well-off society in an all-round way in the new period. It should also be the guideline for the reform of park green space operation and management mode, which is the direction and goal of the reform of park green space operation and management mode under the view of new urbanization. It is directly related to the improvement of the quality and management level of the park green space. Therefore, in the operation and management of the park green space, it is urgent to clarify the relationship between the new type of urbanization and the operation and management of the park green space, and to sort out the present situation and problems of the operation and management of the park green space. Make clear the strategic guiding position of the new type of urbanization, construct the framework of the park green space operation and management mode, and formulate the corresponding development strategy. The sustainable development of the park green space is realized through the reform of the operation management mode. Firstly, according to the requirements of the new type of urbanization, this paper makes a comprehensive plan, operation mechanism and management system for the current park green space operation and management mode. The problems in four aspects of policies and regulations are analyzed. Secondly, the operation and management mode of park green space is corresponding to the requirements of the new urbanization theory in society, economy, environment and system in our country. This paper constructs the framework of park green space operation model from the perspective of new urbanization, analyzes its endogenous factors and external forces, points out and interprets the three connotations of people's livelihood, sustainable development and quality, and expounds the macro planning and overall coordination. Economic transformation and optimization and upgrading, ecological civilization and intensive efficiency, system reform and system innovation are four main contents. Finally, the paper puts forward the strategy and means of "four-in-one" park green space operation and management mode: first, "overall operation and management system," The overall coordination strategy of constructing the operation management framework, the transformation and upgrading strategy of "the separation of the three rights of the park green space, the multiple innovation of the financing mode", and the "function integration and composite utilization", The ecological intensive strategy of operation and management ecological modernization, the fourth is the system reform strategy of "perfect the administrative management system, perfect the related system standard", and finally realize the construction goal of the new type of urbanization of the park green space operation management.
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