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发布时间:2018-03-24 05:34

  本文选题:南四湖湿地 切入点:GIS 出处:《北京林业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Wetland resources are an important part of the earth's natural ecological system, is one of the most important living environment of human beings. Nansi Lake is an important hub of South to North Water Transfer in China. Because of natural factors, such as the impact of human activities, the ecological system of Lake Nansi wetland has been seriously threatened, the wetland function of the wetland has been destroyed. Landscape changes of Nansi Lake wetland development, and coordination in dealing with all kinds of problems is very important. On Lake Nansi wetland as the object, using the method of wetland landscape pattern index and combining transfer matrix, through four period remote sensing data, statistical data of 10 years, and other auxiliary materials, were analyzed by ArcGIS.ERDAS.Fragstats and SPSS software. The main conclusions are: (1) 2003 -2013, the type and area of wetland landscape changes in Nansi Lake mainly in the pond and water field, people Artificial wetland area continues to expand, the waters of the lake, river, water and beaches and other natural wetland area is mutual transfer between the slow decrease trend as well as various types of internal, decreasing non wetland area. (2) 10 years, the landscape pattern change of wetland in Nansihu area bounded by 2009, 2003 -2009 years. The wetland landscape fragmentation, landscape patch shape tended to be simplified, the diversification of.2009 years -2013 years, wetland landscape fragmentation has improved, the diversity index decreased. (3) by 2003 -2013 in the Nansi Lake prediction and dynamic modeling of the wet well, the dynamic changes of the wetland to quantify the expression of three polynomial y=a+bt+ct2+dt3 and, through the first derivative of a polynomial of degree three, two and three order derivative derivative, change of wetland area of various types of speed, acceleration and jerk, analysis The change of wetland type area trend. (4) changes with temperature, humidity, landscape type precipitation, sunshine time is closely related to changes in long, closely linked with the national ecological water project and the water diversion project is carried out, and the social economy in the population growth significantly. The human factor plays an important role in the change of the whole the landscape pattern, and the influence degree is increasing. The analysis of socio-economic factors, mainly by principal component analysis and correlation analysis. The 19 changes in social and economic indicators for social and economic changes of input and output and two of the population categories. And the artificial wetland area as the dependent variable, to quantify the first principal component and the second principal component values as independent variables, the establishment of driving change and social economic factors of artificial wetland relation y=36387.303+655.181Y1-1960.302Y2 equation fitting degree R2 value is 0.945, the fitting degree is good, It can better reflect the relationship between the change of wetland area and the social and economic factors.



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