本文选题:郑州 + 象湖 ; 参考:《河南农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Under the influence of globalization, the phenomenon of "one side of a thousand cities" in the construction of contemporary Chinese cities is becoming more and more prominent, and the features of cities are gradually losing, which has become a prominent problem in the development of cities. Under the background of cultural globalization, cities with unique style and local characteristics are more competitive and vitality. The city's administrative and cultural center has special importance and iconic characteristics. Therefore, it is very important to embody the features in the planning and development of the administrative and cultural center of the city. This paper mainly studies how to create the landscape of Xianghu Provincial Administrative and Cultural Center with urban features. As a design study, the introduction introduces the background, contents and methods of the research, briefly describes the characteristics of the layout planning of ancient Chinese capital, the general situation of the domestic and foreign research on the urban style and features, as well as the concepts of the urban style, the form of the city and the image of the city. In the part of case analysis, this paper designs the central axis of the new and old cities in Guangzhou, The related projects such as Julong Lake Core District and Shannan New District of Huainan City are analyzed and their landscape design experiences are summarized: the construction of provincial cultural center is the focus of promoting the city image. In addition to meeting the functional requirements and the construction of ecological green space, the planning should pay attention to the continuation of the urban context, create a unique humanistic environment of the city, and shape the style and features of the city. On the basis of case study, the landscape design of Xianghu provincial administrative and cultural center mainly combines the relevant research theories, such as urban style and features, to understand and analyze the urban development background, urban morphology and urban cultural image of Zhengzhou. As well as the location and development requirements of Baisha regiment located in Xianghu, this paper studies and discusses the planning and design methods of Xianghu provincial administrative and cultural center by analyzing the related factors, such as the present situation of the site, traffic, natural conditions, and so on. The planning of Zhengzhou metropolitan area strengthens the "cross-shaped" urban spatial structure of the urban agglomeration in Central China. It is based on the urban shape characteristics of the grid of Zhengzhou City, the cultural background of the historical ancient capital and the urban spatial image with the Suzuki as the main body. The design of Xianghu Provincial Administrative and Cultural Center of Zhengzhou is carried out with the basic idea of "Green, vigor, Humanism and Wisdom". The overall planning and design of the project is carried out, and the reasonable functional partition and layout are carried out according to different environments. Color lakeside, humanistic charm, wisdom of the new city as the theme, forming the main axis of the landscape sequence. The design integrates the history and culture of the Central Plains and innovative ideas into the whole project design, trying to create a city-oriented, with the city iconic and regional, reflecting the characteristics of Zhengzhou green city style and features, Ecological sustainable development of urban waterfront open space. The green ecological construction of Xianghu provincial administrative and cultural center in Zhengzhou will greatly optimize the natural environment of Baisha group, improve the regional climate, and reshape the new style of green city in east Zhengzhou.
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