本文选题:流域经营 + 红塘沟 ; 参考:《河北农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Multi-scale forest management is mentioned in the relevant indicators of forest ecosystem management and sustainable management. With the idea of multi-scale forest management, the management plan is implemented from landscape scale, stand scale and single tree scale, with clear objectives, which can be used for reference in guiding forest management. Based on three study scales of landscape, stand and single tree, this paper takes the Hongtang Valley of Taoshan Forest Farm of Mulan Forestry Bureau of Hebei Province as the research object, and applies GIS technology, combined with the related landscape pattern analysis index. According to the satellite remote sensing images of 2009 and 2013, and the forest management practice in Hongtang Valley in recent years, the changes of forest landscape types in the watershed were compared and analyzed from the two levels of land use type and dominant tree species. In order to provide reference for sustainable forest management in this area, multi-scale forest management techniques are discussed on stand and single tree scale. The results are summarized as follows: (1) on the landscape scale, the changes of land use types in the watershed in 2009 and 2013 are analyzed. The diversity indices of the two periods were 5.4198 and 5.4964, and the evenness indices were 0.8136 and 0.8186.The results showed that the landscape patch structure of the study area was changed in 2013 compared with 2009 because of the intervention of forest management activities in the study area in recent years. The spreading index of the two periods were 53.3255 and 52.9843, respectively, which indicated that the forest landscape fragmentation was high, and the landscape types showed a random distribution trend. The variation characteristics of forest patches in two periods were also analyzed. The results showed that the maximum patch index was 2.9087 and 6.6535, the diversity index was 4.5208 and 4.1897, and the evenness index was 0.93950.8898, respectively. The results showed that the forest land in 2009 was dominated by small patches, and the degree of patch fragmentation was relatively high. Due to human intervention, the management measures concentrated on the distribution of patches. In 2013, there was a large area of patches, and the complex degree of patches was lower than that before operation. However, there are many small patches, which reduce the evenness of patches. On the basis of landscape analysis, some landscape management plans are put forward, and the levels of urgency of forest landscape patch management are determined, and the landscape functional zoning is established. In the planning of landscape corridor, the forest road construction and river buffer zone construction are put forward. According to the stand scale, according to coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, coniferous mixed forest and pure forest are divided into 15 management types of different dominant tree species. The characteristics and management objectives of various types of stands were determined, the target DBH and management cycle of each tree species were put forward, and the structural adjustment, competition adjustment, dry shape cultivation and health improvement were formulated. On the single tree scale, the target tree and the landscape tree were determined, and the density distribution mapping was carried out, and the corresponding management objectives and management measures were put forward. For target tree, target diameter, target tree selection, mark, number of trees retained, pruning, competitive adjustment, cutting and utilization, etc. For landscape trees, tree selection, marking, positioning, measurement, shaping, protection, mining, etc. Filing and other series of business technology.
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