本文选题:野花组合 + 乌鲁木齐地区 ; 参考:《新疆农业大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文以新疆的野生花卉和筛选的适宜新疆气候条件栽培的花卉配制的野花组合为研究对象,测定各项指标,筛选出具有新疆特色的西域风情的野花组合,力求达到一般栽培花卉不能比拟的适应性、抗逆性,再生性和自播繁衍特性。以丰富花卉组合多样性,改善并保护生态环境,满足人们对自然美的渴求。主要结果如下:(1)本实验选取了15科32属共43种草本花卉,通过测定每种花卉的千粒重和发芽率来确定播种量。其中紫茉莉种子千粒重最大,为103.14 g,千屈菜种子千粒重最小,仅为0.04 g,硫华菊、凤仙花、麦仙翁和百日草种子千粒重在10.00 g左右,其余均低于10.00 g。蓍草的种子发芽率最高,达到99.30%,其次为晚春锦、大花亚麻、凤仙、孔雀草和矮雪轮,发芽率最低的是随意草,仅有35.60%。(2)种植试验表明:五种野花组合中,一号、二号、四号、五号野花组合中花卉的适应性都比较好,对水肥条件要求较低、花期长且花色鲜艳,耐瘠薄能力好,在北疆地区春季播种,夏季即可开花,花期可持续春、夏、秋三季,是园林景观应用的上乘选择。而三号野花组合因为在种植过程中无法保证其发芽率与实验发芽率结果完全一致,从而影响对播种量的计算,导致香雪球和孔雀草这两种花卉过密,以至于其景观效果不如一号、二号、四号和五号野花组合。(3)野花组合观赏价值的综合评价表明,新疆特色野花组合从园林应用方面、适应性方面和开发利用等方面都具有很好的开发潜力和市场应用前景。各组合中的一、二年生花卉在当年就能形成很好的植物景观,多年生花卉则可以在很多年都保持很高的观赏价值。其中以耐荫系列组合:“林下风韵”和耐干旱组合:“飞扬艾德莱斯”的园林绿化造景效果最佳,耐瘠薄系列:“大漠明珠”次之,都能完全适应贫瘠土壤栽植,护坡组合:“精华风致”地面效果极佳,是高速路护坡和自然风景区的理想选择,但不适宜在分车带中栽植。园地宿根组合:“绚烂疆之华”,景观绚烂多彩,植株高低错落,尽显自然风貌,且养护成本低,能长期展现优美的景观效果。
[Abstract]:In this paper, wild flowers in Xinjiang and wild flower combinations in Xinjiang suitable for cultivation under climatic conditions were chosen as the research objects. The indexes were determined and the wild flower combinations with Xinjiang characteristics were screened out. To achieve the general cultivation of flowers than the adaptability, resistance, regeneration and self-seeding reproduction characteristics. In order to enrich the diversity of flower combinations, improve and protect the ecological environment, meet people's desire for natural beauty. The main results are as follows: (1) in this experiment, 43 species of herbaceous flowers belonging to 32 genera and 15 families were selected, and the seeding amount was determined by measuring the 1000 grain weight and germination rate of each flower. The 1000-grain weight of the seeds of Mirabilis was the largest (103.14 g), and that of Dioscorea chinensis was the smallest (0.04 g). The 1000-grain weight was about 10.00g in the seeds of Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, Impatiens officinalis, Myrrhiza morifolium and herbaceous grass, and the rest were less than 10.00g. The seed germination rate of Yarrow was the highest, reaching 99.30. The next was brocade in late spring, big flower flax, Impatiens, peacock grass and low snow wheel. The lowest germination rate was random grass, only 35.60.2.) the experiment showed that among the five wild flower combinations, 1, 2, 4, In No. 5 wild flower combination, the adaptability of flowers is relatively good, the requirements for water and fertilizer conditions are lower, the flowering period is long, the flowers are bright, and the barren tolerance is good. Sowing in spring in the northern Xinjiang area, the flowers can blossom in summer, and the flowering period can be sustained in spring, summer and autumn. Is the best choice of landscape application. And because the No. 3 wildflower combination could not guarantee that its germination rate was completely consistent with that of the experimental germination rate during the planting process, it affected the calculation of the seeding amount, resulting in the overdensity of the two flowers, the fragrant snowball and the peacock grass. Therefore, its landscape effect is not as good as that of wild flower combination No. 1, No. 2, No. 4 and No. 5) the comprehensive evaluation of the ornamental value of wild flower combination shows that the characteristic wild flower combination in Xinjiang is applied in garden. Adaptability and development and utilization have good development potential and market application prospects. One or two years of flowers in each combination can form a good plant landscape in that year, while perennial flowers can maintain high ornamental value for many years. Among them, the combination of shade tolerance series: "under the forest charm" and drought tolerance combination: "Feiyang Edales" garden landscaping effect is the best, the barren series: "Great desert pearl" second, can fully adapt to poor soil planting, Slope protection combination: "essence wind" ground effect is very good, is the ideal choice of highway slope protection and natural scenic spots, but not suitable for planting in the car belt. The garden land root combination: "gorgeous Xinjiang flower", the landscape is gorgeous and colorful, the plant height is scattered, displays the natural style to the best, and the maintenance cost is low, can display the graceful landscape effect for a long time.
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