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发布时间:2018-05-17 06:44

  本文选题:求偶交配 + 物种识别 ; 参考:《中国林业科学研究院》2017年博士论文

【摘要】:蝴蝶是重要的观赏昆虫,极具艺术价值、观赏价值和经济价值,同时还在科学研究和环境指示等方面发挥重要作用。本文首先对青斑蝶成虫飞行、访花、求偶交配和产卵行为特征进行观察,然后探究了求偶过程中青斑蝶成虫种间识别机制和白带锯蛱蝶成虫两性识别机制,最后对青斑蝶蛹期和成虫期联系性学习行为进行研究,旨在加深对蝶类物种间和两性间交流机制及蝴蝶与其环境的进化适应关系的认识,并为构建蝴蝶飞舞自然景观提供理论依据。主要研究结果如下:1、青斑蝶成虫行为学特征通过跟踪观察青斑蝶雌雄成虫期的飞行、访花、求偶、交配和产卵行为特征及其活动规律,将蝴蝶成虫期分为4个阶段:交配前期阶段,觅食阶段,求偶交配阶段和产卵阶段。交配前期阶段:羽化第1~6天,从成虫羽化到运动器官发育成熟阶段。成虫羽化与温度密切相关,青斑蝶蛹在温度23.5℃时羽化。成虫一生中的飞行高峰期为羽化后第9~13天;日飞行高峰:10:00~13:00和15:00~18:00。从羽化到死亡,雄蝶飞行总次数及总时间分别是752.5次和176.6 min,雌蝶为713次和276.1 min。觅食阶段:羽化第2~16天,该阶段补充营养和促进生殖器官发育。成虫羽化第2天开始访花,访花高峰期在第8~13天;日访花高峰:11:00~12:00和16:00~17:00。雄蝶一生中访花总次数及总时间分别是51次和112.9 min,雌蝶为37.5次和90.1 min。求偶交配阶段:羽化第5~13天,雌雄成虫花费的总时间分别为510.4 min和511.7 min。产卵阶段:羽化第7~15天,日产卵高峰在12:00~14:00和15:00~17:00,雌蝶产卵用时17.9 min。雄蝶平均寿命为16.5±0.7天,雌蝶寿命15天。总之,成虫飞行时间占总活动时间的22.1%(♂)和30.8%(♀),访花时间占14.1%(♂)和10.1%(♀),求偶和交配占63.8%(♂)和57.1%(♀),产卵占2.0%(♀)。成虫生命活动围绕生殖过程进行,直接与生殖相关的交配活动花费时间较长,飞行可能与生殖系统成熟相关,而访花则为成虫的生命活动提供营养和能量。2、蝴蝶求偶过程中行为特征及对视觉信号的利用通过对青斑蝶、虎斑蝶和达摩凤蝶雌雄成虫求偶行为、对模型的追逐行为以及雌雄翅膀特征进行分析,结果表明:蝶类求偶是雄蝶积极主动追逐雌蝶,雄蝶处于主动而雌蝶处于被动地位,求偶中发现雄追雌、雄追雄、雌追雄和雌追雌4种追逐现象。在求偶过程中,一般认为翅膀色彩在雌雄蝶识别异性中扮演重要角色,本研究发现3种蝴蝶在求偶中识别异性有3种不同的信息利用方式。虎斑蝶可能仅靠嗅觉信息识别异性;青斑蝶可能对色彩不敏感,以嗅觉为主;达摩凤蝶可能对色彩敏感,以视觉为主。3、求偶过程中雌雄蝶的种间识别机制除视觉信号外,嗅觉信号也在蝶类求偶识别中扮演重要角色。首先探究了青斑蝶识别同类利用的嗅觉信息,检测到青斑蝶雌蝶虫体挥发物15种,雄蝶18种,其中共有的14种;共有挥发物中相对含量较高的是β-罗勒烯(♀和♂分别占总挥发物的87.52%和92.87%)和β-蒎烯(♀占1.91%,♂占1.99%),且这2种物质均来自虫体挥发物而非性信息素。触角电位实验和行为实验证明β-罗勒烯是青斑蝶识别同类的重要物质,而β-蒎烯不参与该识别过程。青斑蝶在识别同类时对视觉和嗅觉信号的利用权重实验表明该蝶能够同时利用视觉信号和嗅觉信号识别同类,但对嗅觉信号的利用权重大于视觉信号。4、求偶过程中雌雄蝶的两性识别机制探究了视觉和嗅觉信息在白带锯蛱蝶雄蝶识别两性中扮演的作用,翅膀模型和打印的纸模型引诱实验表明仅依靠视觉信息,雄蝶能够识别雌雄两性。翅膀特征和行为实验发现雄蝶识别雌蝶利用的视觉信息,不是翅膀大小而是翅膀颜色差异。且追逐对象的振翅运动在雄蝶求偶追逐中发挥一定的作用。嗅觉信息方面,检测到雌蝶虫体挥发物21种,雄蝶20种,雪松醇为雌蝶特有。行为实验证明雪松醇是雄蝶近距离精确辨别异性的化学信息。因此,白带锯蛱蝶雄蝶能够同时利用视觉和嗅觉信息识别两性。在远距离定位异性主要靠视觉信息,在近距离精准识别配偶主要靠嗅觉信息。利用视觉(翅膀)模型、嗅觉(虫体)模型和正常蝴蝶(视觉和嗅觉均有)探究白带锯蛱蝶雌蝶在识别两性时对视觉和嗅觉信号的利用权重,结果表明白带锯蛱蝶雌蝶利用视觉或嗅觉信息均能识别雌雄两性,雌蝶在识别两性时较偏爱同时有视觉和嗅觉信息的雄蝶。5、青斑蝶联系性学习行为探究了青斑蝶蛹期和成虫期联系性学习行为及青斑蝶雌雄成虫学习能力差异,首次发现青斑蝶对蛹期气味经历具有学习记忆能力,且该经历会影响羽化后成虫的觅食选择。青斑蝶在成虫期将花香挥发物α-蒎烯与食物资源进行联系性学习的能力较强。学习效率与训练次数有关,训练次数越多,学习效率不一定越高,学习效果较好的时间为3~4天。本研究证实青斑蝶成虫对α-蒎烯气味偏好性的改变并非生理性成熟所致,而是学习训练的结果。还发现青斑蝶雄蝶对标志性刺激物α-蒎烯和乙酸乙酯的学习能力强于雌蝶,与通常认为的雌蝶学习效率高于雄蝶不同,可能是雌雄蝶对花蜜需求量的差异、对色彩的学习能力差异和触角感器差异等原因造成。6、蝴蝶成虫释放诱集及蝴蝶飞舞景观构建探究了颜色和气味信息对蝴蝶觅食的引诱作用,设计出一种在蝴蝶放飞后引诱蝴蝶的装置。该装置包括合适的假花颜色(白色、黄色和红色)、引诱剂(α-蒎烯)和彩灯颜色(七色彩灯),根据放飞环境可将其制成帘状装置和圆形环装装置。在饲喂成虫时用α-蒎烯进行学习训练3天,每天训练3次。每次放飞200只可形成较好的蝴蝶飞舞景观。在野外,帘状装置对青斑蝶和金斑蝶的最高引诱率为59%和84%,环状装置对这2种蝶的最高引诱率分别为71%和70%,表明该引诱装置对蝴蝶引诱效果较好,在一定程度上实现了蝴蝶飞舞自然景观。
[Abstract]:Butterfly is an important ornamental insect with great artistic value, ornamental value and economic value. At the same time, it plays an important role in scientific research and environmental instruction. This paper first observed the characteristics of the flying, flower visiting, mating and spawning behavior of the adults, and then explored the identification mechanism of the adult species in the process of courtship. In order to deepen the understanding of the mechanism of interspecies communication between butterflies and interspecies and the evolutionary adaptation of butterflies to the environment, and to provide a theoretical basis for constructing the natural landscape of butterfly flying, the main research results are as follows: 1, the behavior characteristics of the adult of spbutterfly spbutterflies were observed by tracking the characteristics of flying, visiting flowers, courtship, mating and oviposition and their activity rules. The adult stage of butterfly was divided into 4 stages: early mating stage, foraging stage, mating stage and spawning stage. Early mating stage: feathering from adult to 1~6 days, from adult feathering to The adult growth stage. Adult emergence and temperature are closely related to the temperature of the pupa. The pupa is feathered at 23.5 centigrade. The flight peak of the adult is 9~13 days after the emergence of the adult. The daily flight peak: 10:00~13:00 and 15:00~18:00. from the emergence to death, the total number and total time of the male butterfly are 752.5 and 176.6 min, and the female butterfly is 713 times, respectively. And 276.1 min. foraging stage: feathering on the 2~16 day, supplementation and development of reproductive organs at this stage. Adults began to visit flowers on the second day of adult emergence, and the peak period of visiting flowers was on day 8~13; the peak of daily visiting flowers in the daily life of 11:00~12:00 and 16:00~17:00. male butterflies were 51 times and 112.9 min respectively, and the female butterfly was 37.5 and 90.1 min. courtship. Mating stage: the total time spent on 5~13 days was 510.4 min and 511.7 min. spawning stages, respectively: day 7~15, 12:00~14:00 and 15:00~17:00, and 16.5 + 0.7 days for female 17.9 min. males and 15 days of female butterfly life. And 30.8%, the visit time is 14.1% and 10.1%, the courtship and the mating account for 63.8%, 57.1%, and 57.1%. The adult life activities are around the reproductive process, and the reproductive related mating activity takes a long time, and the flight may be related to the maturation of the reproductive system, while the visiting flower provides camp for the adult's life activities. Breeding and energy.2, the behavior characteristics and the use of the visual signal in the butterfly courtship process, the chasing behavior of the model and the characteristics of the male and female wings are analyzed by the courtship of the female and male adult of the butterfly, the butterfly and the Damour. The results show that the butterfly courtship is the male butterfly actively pursuing the female butterfly, the male butterfly is in the initiative and the female butterfly is in the body. In the courtship, 4 kinds of pursuit phenomenon are found in the courtship. In the process of courtship, the color of the wings is generally considered to play an important role in the identification of the female and male butterfly. This study found that there are 3 different ways of information utilization in the 3 species of butterfly in the courtship. Sex is not sensitive to color, and it may be insensitive to color, mainly with sense of smell; Damour may be sensitive to color, with vision as the main.3. In the process of courtship, the identification mechanism of female and male butterfly is not only visual signal, but also the olfactory signal plays an important role in the identification of butterfly type. There are 15 species of volatiles in the female sphene and 18 species of male butterfly, of which 14 species are in total; the relatively high content of the common volatiles is beta - alenene (87.52% and 92.87% of the total volatiles, respectively) and beta pinene (1.91%, 1.99%), and these 2 substances are derived from the volatiles of the insect body but not the sex pheromones. The antennae potential experiment and the behavior reality It is proved that beta - alenene is an important substance for the identification of the same kind, while beta pinene does not participate in the identification process. The use of weight experiments on visual and olfactory signals in the identification of the same species shows that the butterfly can recognize the same kind using visual signal and olfactory signal at the same time, but the use weight of the olfactory signal is greater than the visual signal.4. The male and female sex identification mechanism in the process of male and female butterfly explores the role of visual and olfactory information in the identification of the male and female in the white band of the leucorrhea sawbutterfly. The wing model and the printed paper model show that the male butterfly can identify male and female sex only depending on the visual information. Information is not the size of the wings but the difference in the color of the wings. And the winged motion of the pursuit of the object plays a certain role in the pursuit of the male chasing. In the sense of smell information, there are 21 kinds of female sphenoid volatiles, 20 male butterflies, and the characteristic of the female. The behavioral experiment shows that the cedar is the chemical information of the male butterfly to distinguish the opposite sex accurately. Therefore, the male butterfly male is able to identify both sexes using visual and olfactory information at the same time. In the distance, the opposite sex depends mainly on the visual information. The precise identification of spouses in the near distance depends on the olfactory information. The visual (wing) model, the olfactory (insect body) model and the normal butterflies (both vision and smell) are used to identify the female butterfly in the white band. The use of the weight of the visual and olfactory signals in the sexes shows that the female butterfly of the white band sawing butterfly uses visual or olfactory information to identify male and female sex, and the female butterfly favors the male.5 with visual and olfactory information when identifying the sexes. The difference in the learning ability of the adult female and male adult was found. It was first found that the scent experienced the learning and memory ability of the pupa period, and the experience would affect the foraging choice of the adult adult. The more times, the higher the learning efficiency is, the better time for learning is 3~4 days. This study confirms that the change in the odor preference of alpha pinene is not the result of physiological maturity, but the result of learning and training. The female butterfly learning efficiency is higher than that of the male butterfly, which may be the difference in the nectar demand of the female and male butterfly, the difference in color learning ability and the difference of the antennae caused by the.6, the butterfly release and the butterfly flying landscape construction to explore the attraction of color and smell to the butterfly foraging. A device that lures butterflies after a butterfly is released. The device includes a suitable artificial flower color (white, yellow and red), attractant (alpha pinene) and color lamp color (seven color color lights). The device can be made into a curtain and circular ring installation according to the setting. In feeding the adult, it is trained with alpha pinene for 3 days, 3 times a day. In the field, the maximum attractant rate of the curtain device to the butterfly and the butterfly is 59% and 84% in the field. The maximum attractant rate of the ring device to the 2 butterflies is 71% and 70% respectively, indicating that the attractant effect of the lure device to the butterfly is better, and the natural landscape of butterfly flying is realized on a certain range.


相关期刊论文 前2条

1 陈敢清;;冬天的蝴蝶[J];自然与科技;2008年01期

2 蔡炳城;;台湾蝴蝶的多样性与保护[J];大自然;2009年01期

相关博士学位论文 前1条

1 李承哲;基于蝴蝶成虫行为学的两性求偶识别机制及蝴蝶飞舞景观构建[D];中国林业科学研究院;2017年




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