本文选题:竹编 + 设计美 ; 参考:《景德镇陶瓷学院》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Bamboo weaving is a traditional handicraft of our country with a long history and perfect inheritance. It is a creation art which can satisfy people's material and aesthetic needs simultaneously. The whole process of bamboo knitting depends not only on the designer's fantastic ideas, but also on the craftsman's aesthetic consciousness and weaving skills. It can be said that the traditional handicraft is a kind of craft culture which can embody the individual's subjective consciousness. The beauty of design is the result of human labor and the objectification of human essential power. The beauty of material, structure, form, color and function of bamboo weave is an organic unity of design beauty. They not only embody the beauty from their own point of view, but also explain the design beauty of bamboo knitting completely. The beauty of bamboo material is shown in the color and texture of bamboo, the natural and simple texture of bamboo ware and the beauty of Qingli Junxiu, which is abstract and potential beauty. The beauty of the structure of bamboo ware is reflected in the stability and order of its structure, and the beauty of its structure is the sublimation of the beauty of the weaving process of bamboo. The beauty of the shape of bamboo ware is reflected in the organic combination of point, line and surface, the unity of change, and the rhythm of morphological growth, which is the external manifestation after the interaction between material and structure. The color beauty of bamboo is shown in the natural color of bamboo, which has the beauty of simplicity and softness, while the transparent coating and bleaching of bamboo have the beauty of simplicity and simplicity. The functional beauty of bamboo weaving is manifested in the multi-level realization of its material function, aesthetic function, environmental function and economic function. The unique expression way of "condensing in emotion" embodies the design beauty, which transcends the expression way of bamboo weave material beauty, structure beauty, form beauty, color beauty and function beauty, and further consummates the design beauty of bamboo weave. The research on the design beauty of bamboo knitting is to create a mature popular aesthetic environment for the development of bamboo knitting in our country in order to improve the aesthetic level of bamboo weaving.
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