[Abstract]:The rapid performance of hand-drawing is an organic combination of art and technology. Hand-drawing is rapidly expressed in the environmental art design, presenting the designer's idea in a visual communication language. Designers express their design thinking through dynamic graphics or images. It seems that the quick performance of hand-drawing is not as fast as that of computer rendering, but it is the way in which designers think, see, and draw by hand, to present a method of inspiration generated by the mutual stimulation of ideas and images. It is also a form of expression which embodies the concept of beauty and has the dual characteristics of artistic value and technical practicality. This article is about hand-drawn fast expression in the environment art design application development research. First of all, through the study of the rapid performance of hand-drawing, the artistic value and technical characteristics of the rapid expression are more systematic, which is conducive to the practice of the rapid performance of hand-drawn in the environmental art design. Secondly, the paper explores the application of hand-painted fast performance in environmental art design and the value of hand-drawing fast expression. I hope to provide a simple and effective design method for environmental art design through this study. Finally, the emphasis is put on the deepening and future development of the rapid performance of hand-drawing, which further demonstrates that the rapid performance of hand-drawing has become an indispensable part of the environmental art design.
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