发布时间:2017-04-27 06:02
【摘要】: 本文以韩礼德的系统功能语法,,话语分析及语用学等理论为依托,从词汇、 句子和语篇等层面系统分析了克林顿在北京时的讲话,以期通过个案分析,找出 政治演讲语篇中实现人际意义的各类语言手段。 通过研究发现,情态动词、时态、祈使结构和人称代词对在此类语篇中实 现备种人际意义起了主要作用。它们不仅能实现维护说话者地位、吸引听众并与 其建立良好关系等常规人际意义,还能充分体现政治演讲语篇中特有的人际意 义,如反映该语篇中说话者的多重目的,揭示说话者在树立权威的同时,又要尽 量与听众拉近距离的矛盾等。
【关键词】:政治演讲 人际意义
- 1. Introduction5-6
- 2. Literature review and theoretical foundation6-9
- 3. The significance of studying interpersonal meaning in speeches9-10
- 4. Features of political public speeches10-12
- 4.1 Features of public speeches10-11
- 4.2 Features of political speeches11-12
- 5. Data to be analyzed in the dissertation12
- 6. Foci of analysis12-13
- 7. Interpersonal meaning of modality in political speech13-19
- 7.1 The interpersonal meaning of modal auxiliaries14-18
- 7.1.1 Interpersonal functions of modal auxiliaries usually used in political speeches15-18
- 7.1.2 Summary18
- 7.2.Interpersonal meaning of epistemic modal expressions18-19
- 7.2.1 Interpersonal functions of epistemic modal expressions in political speeches18-19
- 7.2.2 Summary19
- 8. Interpersonal meaning of tense in political speeches19-22
- 8.1 Interpersonal meaning of tense shift between the past and the simple present19-22
- 8.1.1 Inlerpersonal function of tense shift on discourse level in political speeches20
- 8.1.2 IP function of tense shift on sentence level in political speeches20-21
- 8.1.3 Summary21-22
- 8.2 The interpersonal meaning of finite tense in political speeches22
- 8.2.1 Interpersonal function of finite tense used in political speeches22
- 8.2.2 Summary22
- 9. Interpersonal meaning of imperativeness in political speeches22-25
- 9.1 IP meaning of different degrees of imperativeness in political speeches22-25
- 9.1.1 Imperative meaning expressed through modals23
- 9.1.2 Imperative meaning conveyed through the structure ”Let me/us...”23-24
- 9.1.3 Imperative meaning realized through ”will”24
- 9.1.4 Imperative meaning realized through ”if' structure24-25
- 9.1.5 Imperative meaning inferred in context25
- 9.2 Summary25
- 10. Interpersonal meaning of person in political speeches25-30
- 10.1 IP functions of various pronouns used in political speeches26-29
- 10.1.1 IP function of the pronoun ”you” in political speeches26-28
- 10.1.2 Interpersonal function of pronoun ”we” in political speeches28-29
- 10.1.3 Interpersonal function of other pronouns in political speeches29
- 10.2 Summary29-30
- 11. Conclusion30-32
- References32-36
- Appendix: The full text of US President Clinton's Speech in Beijing University36-40
中国期刊全文数据库 前1条
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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前7条
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